A list of mensuration operations.
Constant | Value | Description |
esriMensurationPoint | 0 | Mensuration of the point with the error covariance matrix. |
esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle | 1 | Mensuration of the distance, elevation angle, and azimuth angle, between two points. |
esriMensurationAreaAndPerimeter | 2 | Mensuration of the area and perimeter of a polygon. |
esriMensurationHeightFromBaseAndTop | 3 | Mensuration of the height from the base and top of an object. |
esriMensurationHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow | 4 | Mensuration of the height from the base and top shadow of an object. |
esriMensurationHeightFromTopAndTopShadow | 5 | Mensuration of the height from the top and top shadow of an object. |
esriMensurationCentroid | 6 | Mensuration of the centroid of a polygon. |
esriMensurationPoint3D | 7 | Mensuration of the 3D point with the error covariance matrix. |
esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle3D | 8 | Mensuration of the 3D distance, elevation angle, and azimuth angle, between two points. |
esriMensurationAreaAndPerimeter3D | 9 | Mensuration of the 3D area and perimeter of a polygon. |
esriMensurationCentroid3D | 13 | Mensuration of the 3D centroid of a polygon. |
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.