Page Layout class contains maps and map surrounds.
Product Availability
Supported Platforms
Interfaces | Description |
IActiveView | Provides access to members that control the active view - the main application window. |
IConnectionPointContainer | Supports connection points for connectable objects. |
IDisplayAdmin (esriDisplay) | Provides access to members that control display administration. |
IGraphicsContainer | Provides access to members that control the Graphics Container. |
IGraphicsContainerSelect | Provides access to members that control graphic container selection. |
IGraphicSnapEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the Collection of snap agents used for snapping graphics. |
IGraphicSnapEnvironment2 | Provides access to members that control the Collection of snap agents used for snapping graphics. |
IMxdContents | Provides access to members to pass data into and out off a MXD map document file. Coclasses that implement this interface can limited the implementation to one property if required. |
IPageEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the Page changes. |
IPageLayout | Provides access to members that control the Page Layout. |
IPageLayout2 | Provides access to members that control the Page Layout. |
IPageLayout3 | Provides access to members that control the Page Layout. |
IPageLayoutExtensions | Provides access to the extensions of a page layout. |
IPersist | Defines the single method GetClassID, which is designed to supply the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system. IPersist is the base interface for three other interfaces: IPersistStorage, IPersistStream, and IPersistFile. |
IPersistStream (esriSystem) | |
ISelectionEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes. |
ITransformEvents (esriDisplay) | Provides access to members that control Transform Events. |
IViewManager | Provides access to members used to describe or define view behavior. |
IViewRefresh | Provides access to members that are useful for refreshing views. |
Event Interfaces
Interfaces | Description |
IActiveViewEvents (default) | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the active view changes. |
The PageLayout manages the layout of a hard copy output page. The PageLayout has a collection of elements organized as follows:
Printer - A reference to te application's printer. Managaes paper size, margins, and other settings.
Page - Manages the visual (on screen) representation of the printer page.
Elements - A list of map elements that are drawn on the page.
Graphics - A list of graphic elements that are drawn on the page.
ArcMap's layout view corresponds to the PageLayout object, and like all views, the PageLayout implements the IActiveView interface allowing it to take control of the main application window.
Working with Events
When working with PageLayout's default outbound interface in Visual Basic 6 declare variables as follows: Private WithEvents pPageLayout as PageLayout