Custom graphics on the page.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property CustomGraphics As IGraphicElements
[C#] public IGraphicElements CustomGraphics {get; set;}
HRESULT get_CustomGraphics(
IGraphicElements** Elements
HRESULT put_CustomGraphics(
IGraphicElements* Elements
Elements [out, retval]Elements is a parameter of type IGraphicElements
Elements [in]Elements is a parameter of type IGraphicElements
Product Availability
Use CustomGraphics to add dynamic text or graphics to the exported layout. One common use of CustomGraphics is to add a customizable, dynamic title to each result of an ExportLayout request.
The following sample code shows how to add custom text to your layout. It assumes that you already have a valid PageDescription object and that you are not working with a server context. However, if you are developing an ArcGIS for Server application using a server context, you should not use New to create local ArcObjects, but you should always create objects within the server by calling CreateObject on IServerContext.
IPageDescription pageDesc;
// Create text symbol
ITextSymbol textSymbol = new TextSymbolClass();
// Set Color
IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
color.Blue = 255;
color.UseWindowsDithering = true;
textSymbol.Color = color;
// Set Font
IFontDisp font = (IFontDisp)new stdole.StdFont();
font.Name = "Verdana";
font.Size = 20;
textSymbol.Font = font;
// Create text element
ITextElement textElement = new TextElementClass();
textElement.Text = "Custom Text";
textElement.Symbol = textSymbol;
// Set position
IPoint point = new PointClass();
point.X = 2.5;
point.Y = 1.5;
IElement element = (IElement)textElement;
element.Geometry = point;
// Create custom graphics
IGraphicElements custGraphics = new GraphicElementsClass();
// Add custom graphics to PageDescription
pageDesc.CustomGraphics = custGraphics;