ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IImageServerInit2 Interface

Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This interface is new at ArcGIS 10.


Read/write property AllowedCompressions The list of allowed compressions, None, LZ77, and JPEG.
Read/write property AllowedFields The list of allowed field names.
Read/write property AllowedItemMetadata The allowed metadata, None, Basic, and Full.
Read/write property AllowedMosaicMethods The list of allowed mosaic methods.
Read/write property DownloadDirectory The physical directory for downloadable files.
Read/write property DynamicImageWorkspace The workspace used for adding rasters.
Read/write property ExcludedFields The list of excluded field names.
Read/write property ImageDataSourceName The image server data source name.
Method Initialize Initializes this image server from a fullname to a dataset.
Method InitializeFromDataset Initializes this image server from a Raster Dataset.
Method InitializeFromServiceURL Initializes this image server from an AIS service URL (ImageService://<host>:<port>/<service>).
Read/write property MaxImageHeight The maximum height in pixels of an image request.
Read/write property MaxImageWidth The maximum width in pixels of an image request.
Read/write property MaxRecordCount The maximum number of records returned for query results (GetCatalog).
Read/write property OutputDirectory The physical directory for output files.
Read/write property VirtualDownloadDirectory The virtual directory for downloading files.
Read/write property VirtualOutputDirectory The virtual directory for output files.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IImageServerInit Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server.

CoClasses that implement IImageServerInit2

CoClasses and Classes Description
ImageServer The ArcGIS Server Image Server class.


IImageServerInit2 interface is used to initialize a local image service and set configratuion parameters: MaxRecordCount, MaxImageWidth, MaxImageHeight, AllowedCompressions, AllowedMosaicMethods, AllowedItemMetadata, etc.