ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IDimensionStyleText Interface

Provides access to members that control a dimension style's text.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The IDimensionStyleText interface contains properties that control how the text of a dimension feature is displayed.


Read/write property Align Indicates if the text should be aligned with the dimension line.
Read/write property ConvertUnits Indicates if the length of the dimension needs to be converted for display.
Read/write property DisplayPrecision Precision for the value displayed by the dimension text.
Read/write property DisplayUnits Units the length of the dimension text is displayed in.
Read/write property Expression Text expression for the style.
Read/write property ExpressionParserName Text expression parser for the text expression for the style.
Read/write property ExpressionSimple Indicates if the text expression is simple or custom for the style.
Read/write property ExtendLineOnFit Indicates if the dimension line will be extended to underline the text on inward dimensions.
Read/write property Prefix Prefix for the text expression for the style.
Read/write property Suffix Suffix for the text expression for the style.
Read/write property TextDisplay Text display setting for the style.
Read/write property TextFit Text fit policy for the style.
Read/write property TextSymbol Symbol used for the text.

CoClasses that implement IDimensionStyleText

CoClasses and Classes Description
DimensionStyle A container of properties which dictate how a dimension feature is displayed.


The Align property will force the text to align to the angle of the DimensionLine. If the Align property is False, the TextSymbol’s angle will be used. The ConvertUnits property specifies if the value of the text will be converted from the feature class’s native units to the units of the DisplayUnits property. The text can be formatted using the DisplayPrecision property and the TextDisplay property. The esriDimensionTextDisplay enumeration defines four values for formatting the text string:

esriDimensionTDValueOnly - Displays only the numeric value.
esriDimensionTDPrefixSuffix - Displays the numeric value with the Prefix and Suffix property.
esriDimensionTDExpression  - Evaluate the numeric value in the code expression.
esriDimensionTDNone - Do not display text.

The text string can also be determined from an expression specified in the Expression property. The expression can be a simple concatenation of column values and strings or a function written in scripting language. The name of the parser for the expression should be specified in the ExpressionParserName property. The currently available parsers are “VB Script” and “Java Script”.

The TextFit property determines where the text will be placed if it does not fit between the markers after they have been moved (due to marker fit settings). The esriDimensionTextFit enumeration defines three values for this behavior:

esriDimensionTextFitNone  - Do not move text.
esriDimensionTextFitMoveBegin - Move text to beginning dimension line.
esriDimensionTextFitMoveEnd  - Move text to ending dimension line.

When the markers are moved because of a fit, a line will be drawn between the markers based on the DrawLineOnFit property.

See Also

IDimensionStyle Interface | IDimensionClassExtension Interface