ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IDimensionShape Interface

Provides access to members that control a dimension shape.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The IDimensionShape interface supports properties for the definition of a dimension’s location and measurement.


Read/write property BeginDimensionPoint The begin dimension point.
Read/write property DimensionLinePoint The point which describes the height of the dimension line.
Read/write property EndDimensionPoint The end dimension point.
Read/write property ExtensionLineAngle The angle of the extension lines in radians.
Read/write property TextAngle The angle of the text in radians.
Read/write property TextPoint The point for the text placement.

CoClasses that implement IDimensionShape

CoClasses and Classes Description
DimensionShape A dimension shape associated with a dimesion feature.


The BeginDimensionPoint and EndDimensionPoint properties define the Dimension’s measurement points. The DimensionLinePoint property determines the height of the dimension line above the baseline. To create a two point dimension, the DimensionLinePoint must be the same value as the BeginDimensionPoint. The ExtensionLineAngle property defines the angle between the dimension line and the extension line in degrees. This default angle is 90 degrees. Oblique dimensions have angles less than or greater than 90 degrees. The DimensionShape also supports a custom text location using the TextPoint property.  For the default location of the dimension text, the TextPoint’s IGeometry::IsEmpty property should be True.

The TextAngle property is the angle of the text in radians. The TextAngle property will only affect the dimension if the dimension's style's text alignment property is True in which case the text is always parallel to the dimension line.

See Also

IDimensionFeature Interface | IDimensionGraphic Interface