How to View Resource Relationships

How to View Resource Relationships

The Relationships link on the Details page allows users to explore the relationships a selected resource has with other resources in the geoportal catalog. The types of relationship the resource has may vary depending on the metadata profile of that resource and specific customizations applied to the geoportal. For ISO-based metadata, the relationships are defined using the usedBy and operatesOn service metadata elements. You will see these elements when you expand the Resource node on the Relationships page for that resource.

For example, if you expand the Resource node and see Used By and Operates On nodes beneath it, you can click on these sub-nodes to see datasets that are used by the selected resource if it is a service, or see other services that are operating on the selected resource if it is a dataset. As in the case of the browse tab, it is possible apply additional free text search filters on the list of related resources.

If you click on the Relationships link for a resource and do not see any relationships, it is likely because no relationships are defined within the resource's metadata. It is possible to create relationships between different resources by connecting them through relationship elements in the resources' metadata. For details about how to create these resource relationships, see Create Relationships between Resources.
