Release Notes, ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE
ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE Release Notes
This topic describes how ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE aligns with the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) regulations, and includes a list of new features and known limitations for this product.
What's New
Enhancements and new features include the following.
Technical Guidance 3.0 Support
- ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE implements Technical Guidance (version 3.0) for the implementation of INSPIRE download services.
- The predefined and direct download service options are according to the specifications, aggregated in one single WFS 2.0-based service type. The feature download service has been updated to support predefined dataset download as well as direct access through WFS stored queries.
- The previous predefined feature download service type has been deprecated. It is recommended to disable (uncheck) the service type in all deployed services.
- The updated feature download service also exposes WFS interface version 1.1. When the direct access option is checked, WFS 1.1 is enabled. When direct access to the feature download service is disabled, WFS 1.1 will be disabled as well.
Streaming Support
ArcGIS for INSPIRE services now support streaming of data on all service operations. By default, streaming is enabled, and streaming can be disabled at the service instance level through JSON configuration properties. A known limitation is support for streaming on Amazon servers using IPV6. In this case, it is necessary to manually disable streaming on all ArcGIS for INSPIRE service instances.
Enterprise Geodatabase Support
Prior to ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE, there were some limitations when connecting to an enterprise geodatabase. The user connecting to the geodatabase when running the service needed to be the data owner. With service pack 1, this limitation has been eliminated. The product now supports connecting and creating INSPIRE services as a user who is not the INSPIRE data owner. This upgrade allows a better separation of database roles, as the "service user" only needs read access to the INSPIRE schema data. This aligns more with common security practices for IT production environments and supports much broader configuration scenarios for enterprise geodatabases.
Database Template Updates
- Updated LayerInfo table to handle layer ordering, including changing ID values of point, multipoint, line, and surface sublayers to allow an "order by" selection from Addin so line layers will automatically be placed above surface layers.
- Updated LayerInfo table to add the {0} placeholder for those definition queries pointing to a different table. The placeholder will be replaced during runtime with the qualified table name prefix.
Improvement in Legend Handling for View Service and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
- General legend layout optimizations
- Added ability to create legend URL from static file path
- Added support for multilingual legend through manual customisation
- Added legend URL to WMTS capabilities and support of multilingual legend for WMTS
Geoportal Enhancements
These enhancements are based on Geoportal Server 1.2.3, which is a minor enhanced version of Geoportal Server 1.2.2. Information about Geoportal Server is available at
- Upgrade the map viewer to ArcGIS Viewer 2.5 for Flex
- Support registering and harvesting of websites based on ATOM protocol
- Update localisation to support German, Spanish, and French; additional languages are supported through customisation.
Performance Enhancements
- Remove unnecessary database join to improve performance
- Resolve long response time for INSPIRE view service GetFeatureInfo request
Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- 2328-INSPIRE View Service Capabilities form: Layer authority ID is not reflected in the GetCapabilities operation response.
- 2248-Add OnlineResource to WFS GetCapabilities operation response.
- 2504-GetFeatureInfo request table on INSPIRE view service does not contain table header-update documentation.
- 1825-E-mail field in service metadata in A4I wizard does not accept domain names that have more than one dot.
- 1827-LayerInfo table (1.0 SP2 release) contains the wrong query layer statements for administrative units.
- 1836-Some fields in the INSPIRE service capabilities editing form are not reflected in the GetCapabilities operation response.
- 1871- HTML response for GetFeatureInfo is empty for ProtectedSites.
- 2226-[PATCH 10.1/1.0] ArcGIS for INSPIRE view service for addresses does not return GetFeatureInfo result.
- 2629-FDS is not working in Oracle when a multipart feature is used.
- 2456-Some layers do not show objects on INSPIRE view service when style is INSPIRE Default.
- 2589-Identify on railway link returns "no output rendering information given for feature type: 'RailwayLink'" error.
Standards and Conformity features included in ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE
- Aligns with new ArcGIS for Server system architecture
- Multilingual support for all components: INSPIRE network services, administration/configuration pages, and ArcMap INSPIRE tools
- Administration/Configuration user interface (UI) within Esri ArcCatalog and ArcGIS Manager (web)
INSPIRE View Service
- Implementation of INSPIRE view services following the Technical Guidance document 3.1
- Support for GetFeatureInfo operation returning INSPIRE-conformant GML response on INSPIRE layers
- Support for Web Map Service (WMS) profile as described by Technical Guidance View Service 3.1
- Support for WMTS profile as described by Technical Guidance View Service 3.1
- Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) support for Annex I INSPIRE layers
- Support for INSPIRE style (SLD based) and custom style (ArcMap .mxd)
- ArcMap INSPIRE tools
for analysing INSPIRE-compliant geodatabase layer and allowing you
to immediately add those to your map document
- Combined knowledge about INSPIRE data models and Esri geodatabase implementation
- Creates relates and joins automatically
- Automatic support for all relevant INSPIRE reference systems
- Support for all capabilities/metadata extension elements
- Display of INSPIRE layers in capabilities metadata; hides "technical" geodatabase layers
- Layer scale dependencies support (see <DVD Drive:>\ GDB Templates\CustomizationGuide_ArcGISForINSPIRE_LayerInfo_10_1_EN.pdf)
INSPIRE Feature Download Service
- Implementation of INSPIRE feature download direct access service following " Technical Guidance for the Implementation of INSPIRE Download Services (version 3.0)" based on the approved standard Web Feature Service 2.0
- Full support of INSPIRE data models and GML output
- Feature server configuration for geodatabase and INSPIRE XML schema models
- OGC WFS 1.1.1 and 2.0.0 interface
- Ability to create store queries and GetFeature through stored queries (if enabled by the administrator)
- Ability to manage stored queries (if enabled by the administrator)
INSPIRE Feature Download Service: Predefined Dataset Service
- Implementation of INSPIRE feature download predefined dataset service following "Technical Guidance for the Implementation of INSPIRE Download Services (version 3.0)"
- The functionality to execute stored queries specified by the user as an extension to the feature download service
INSPIRE Annex I Data Models—Geodatabase Template Implementation
- Esri geodatabase XML schema for INSPIRE Annex I data themes
- XML/HTML documentation on geodatabase structure
INSPIRE Discovery Service
- Implementation of INSPIRE discovery services following the Technical Guidance document 3.1
- Improved metadata editor that supports validation and editing of unbounded multiple instances of metadata elements
Known Limitations
View Service: GetFeatureInfo on Mixed Layer Documents
- Description: An INSPIRE view service GetFeatureInfo request on more than one query layer, which includes both INSPIRE layers and non-INSPIRE layers, returns the response regarding INSPIRE layers only.
View Service: Usage of INSPIRE SLD Files
- Description: INSPIRE data specifications contain visualisation rules that cannot be expressed in SLD documents (see ProtectedSites layers).
- Solution: If ArcGIS for INSPIRE does not find an SLD document for a specific layer, it will use the defined ArcMap visualisation rules and use them for both the INSPIRE_COMMON:DEFAULT style and default styles.
View Service: WMTS-Based View Service Capabilities
- Description: The direct link to the language-specific capabilities document available in the REST services directory returns the default language (e.g., http://my agsserver:6080/arcgis/rest/services/AnnexI/AB /MapServer/exts/InspireView/WMTS/FRE/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml).
- Solution: Use the language parameter to access the language-specific capability document (e.g., http://my agsserver:6080/arcgis/rest/services/AnnexI/AB/MapServer/exts/InspireView/WMTS/FRE/1.0.0 /WMTSCapabilities.xml?language=FRE).
Feature Download Configuration: User Interface Displays All INSPIRE Layers
- Description: The Feature Download Configuration user interface analyses the underlying geodatabase schema and offers a list of INSPIRE feature types to be provided by the feature download service. As the INSPIRE geodatabase contains feature classes and tables of all Annex I data themes, the configuration user interface lists all INSPIRE feature types of Annex I, although some of them might contain no data.
INSPIRE Geodatabase: Profile of Names and Text Strings
- Description:
The INSPIRE data specification Geographical Names allows the implementation of a simplified profile of the complex data type GeographicalName. For many cases, a simple implementation is sufficient and requires a significantly less complex model and database representation.
In the standard geodatabase template for the Annex I themes, the simplest profile, a text string, has been implemented. For datasets that require support for a more complex profile, contact Technical Support.
Similarly, string-valued properties are limited to 255 characters in the standard geodatabase for the Annex I themes. This should be sufficient for most datasets. For datasets that require support for a longer text value, contact Technical Support.
INSPIRE Geodatabase: Arcs in Cadastral Parcel Features
- Description: In the theme Cadastral Parcels, nonlinear interpolations are allowed (circular arcs). In this release, only geometries with linear interpolations in accordance with the Simple Feature standard (ISO 19125-1) are supported.
No Support for Oracle User-Schema Geodatabases
- Description: ArcGIS for INSPIRE does not currently support data storage and data access in the so-called Oracle user-schema geodatabases. See /arcgis_server_java_help/index.html#/Multiple_geodatabases_in_Oracle/002n0000000r000000/ if this affects your database setup.
ArcCatalog Configuration Page of INSPIRE Services Displays a Black Square
- Description: In rare cases, when invoking the INSPIRE service extension configuration page of ArcCatalog, the panel just displays a black square.
- Solution: Use the program JavaConfigTool to disable DirectDraw. The tool can be found at: <installation>\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\Bin\JavaConfigTool.exe.
- Uncheck Use default.
- Add the string "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" to the text field Java VM arguments.
- Click OK.
- Restart ArcCatalog.
Feature Download Service: OutOfMemoryError When Serving Large Datasets
- Description: As the ArcGIS configuration allows a maximum of 64 MB by default, memory issues could arise when using the INSPIRE feature download service or INSPIRE predefined dataset service to serve a large amount of data through ArcGIS for Server.
- Solution: ArcGIS for Server allows for modification of the default value by using the web-based ArcGIS Administration application. Follow these steps:
- Open a browser and navigate to http://<host>:6080/arcgis/admin/machines (you probably need to log in by providing your credentials)
- For each of the machines
listed, do the following:
- Click the machine name
- Click Supported Operations: edit
- Change the property SOC maximum heap size (in MB) from 64 (this is the default value) to 256
- Click Save Edits
- It may be necessary to find out the optimal setting here, depending on the kind of queries sent to the server or datasets prepared for downloading. Increasing the maximum heap size means setting the upper boundary for memory usage of that process; it does not mean the initial allocation of memory when the service is starting up.
Running ArcGIS for INSPIRE View Service on a File Geodatabase with Administrative Boundaries May Not Work
The last release of ArcGIS for INSPIRE introduced a way to
dynamically qualify layer definition queries with schema and user
name if such a query contains references to other tables. An
example of such a query is as follows: The placeholder string {0} will be replaced with a qualifying string when creating an ArcMap layer. As file geodatabases do not need a qualifying prefix, the placeholder will be replaced by an empty string. The software does not recognize this on service startup and won't enable this layer as an INSPIRE layer.
"IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM {0}auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '5thOrder')"
- Solution: Do not run ArcGIS for INSPIRE AdministrativeBoundary layers on your file geodatabase or update the definition query by replacing the {0} placeholder in your file geodatabase. The following LayerInfo table entries are affected:The value of field def_query should be the following:
AU.AdministrativeBoundary.1stOrder AU.AdministrativeBoundary.2ndOrder AU.AdministrativeBoundary.3rdOrder AU.AdministrativeBoundary.4thOrder AU.AdministrativeBoundary.5thOrder AU.AdministrativeBoundary.6thOrder
"IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '1stOrder')" "IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '2ndOrder')" "IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '3rdOrder')" "IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '4thOrder')" "IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '5thOrder')" "IFCID IN (SELECT RID FROM auAdmBoundaryL_nationalLevel where nationalLevel = '6thOrder')"
Feature Download Service: It Is Possible to Download Data Not Included in the .mxd File If the User Knows the Database
- Description: Administration of Predefined Dataset Service entries currently only works with ArcCatalog instances running on the same machine as ArcGIS for Server or in those environments where ArcCatalog has access to the geodatabase connection file defined in the service definition. When publishing the feature download service, two stored queries are created by default to facilitate simple download of a predefined dataset, through stored query urn:x-ii:def:query:OGC-WFS::GetDatasetByCrs, even though the capability response only lists those layers that are available for download, and it does not list other layers in the database. However, if the user knows the database, it is possible to download data that is not included in the .mxd file but in the same database through the service.
- Solution: The current workaround is to delete the default stored query and create your own customised query.
WMTS Service Legend URL Different from the One Used by ArcGIS WMTS
- Description: Currently, the INSPIRE WMTS service capability legend URL refers to the default INSPIRE style, while the WMTS service tile generation is based more on ArcMap symbology and does not recognize the INSPIRE default style. This leads to an inconsistency between WMTS map symbology and the legend URL in the capability response.
- Solution: The current workaround is to customise the WMTS map symbology and tile generation to use the default INSPIRE style; the legend URL can also be customised.