ArcGIS for INSPIRE Desktop Extension
ArcGIS for INSPIRE Desktop Extension
ArcGIS for INSPIRE Desktop Extension includes tools for use in ArcMap for INSPIRE layers in map documents, and tools for administering INSPIRE map services in ArcMap and ArcCatalog. This topic discusses functionality included in these tools, and also installation of the Desktop Extension.
ArcMap Tools for INSPIRE Layers
The INSPIRE Tools add-in provides additional INSPIRE functionality for ArcGIS Desktop products. This tool offers the ability to add "INSPIRE layers" into the current ArcMap document, hiding the complexity of the INSPIRE data model and automatically carrying out all steps required for the correct creation of an appropriate map. It creates group layers, adds corresponding geodatabase feature classes, and sets the required joins and relates among the features.
ArcCatalog Administration Tools for INSPIRE Services
ArcGIS for Server Services can be configured and managed via ArcMap and ArcCatalog. In addition to the default service types supported by ArcGIS for Server (e.g., KML, WFS, WCS), ArcGIS for INSPIRE enables extended INSPIRE service types. These are the INSPIRE View Service, the INSPIRE Feature Download Service, and the INSPIRE Predefined Dataset Service. Thus, the administration of these INSPIRE Network Services becomes part of the general administration workflow of ArcGIS for Server-based services.
Install ArcGIS for INSPIRE Desktop Extension
To install the ArcGIS for INSPIRE Desktop Extension, follow instructions in the InstallationGuide_ArcGISForINSPIRE_Desktop_ext_10_1_EN.pdf document. After installation, see the use case documentation for how to setup and use INSPIRE View Services, INSPIRE Feature Download Services, and INSPIRE Predefined Dataset Services.