Use the INSPIRE Feature Download Service
Use the INSPIRE Feature Download Service
After creating the INSPIRE Feature Download Service, it is ready to be invoked. This topic discusses accessing the INSPIRE Feature Download Service's GetCapabilities URL, which you can then use to communicate in feature download requests.
To obtain the Feature Download Service URL and test, follow the steps below.
- Open ArcCatalog.
- Click on your ArcGIS Server connection.
- Right-click on the Feature Download Service you created and select Service Properties…
- Select the Capabilities tab and highlight the INSPIRE Feature Download capability.
- Copy the URL to the right in the text box.
- Paste the INSPIRE Feature Download URL into the
address bar of your browser and append ?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WFS at the end of the URL, such that the final URL looks like one of the following (substituting your server name and service name):
- For ArcGIS 10.1 for
(see below for 10.1 SP1)
If you used a map
document to create the service:
If you used a
geodatabase connection to create the service:
If you used a map
document to create the service:
- For ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE
If you used a map
document to create the service:
If you used a
geodatabase connection to create the service:
If you used a map
document to create the service:
- For ArcGIS 10.1 for
(see below for 10.1 SP1)
- Click Enter to proceed to the URL endpoint.
The response will be a Capabilities document of the INSPIRE Feature Download Service in the default language configured for the service.
Multilingual support is currently only available for the http/GET GetCapabilities request.
This section provides some sample WFS 2.0.0 URLs for services created from map documents based on ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE (the URL is slightly differenct in the Online resource url portion for services created based on geodata; the other parts are the same). The data returned will be in gml format:
- GetFeatureById (predefined)
- GetDatasetByCrs (predefined)
- GetFeature (direct download)
It is also possible to extract data through http POST for download services in ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for INSPIRE; the syntax follows the WFS 2.0.0 specifications. For example, following is the post request for getFeaturebyId:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wfs:StoredQuery id="urn:ogc:def:query:OGC-WFS::GetFeatureById">
<wfs:Parameter name="id">auAdmUnitS.1883</wfs:Parameter>