ArcGIS Tracking Analyst
The Tracking Analyst extension in ArcGIS for Desktop makes it easy to connect to real-time services from Tracking Server. It also provides powerful tools for mapping, analyzing, and manipulating many forms of temporal data. Tracking Analyst capabilities are available in two Desktop applications, ArcMap and ArcGlobe.
To learn more about the Tracking Analyst extension, visit the Tracking Analyst product page or the Tracking Analyst online help documentation.
Real-time tracking layers can be visualized and analyzed in a variety of ways using Esri's flagship Desktop mapping product.
If you want all the capabilities of real-time tracking layers that ArcMap offers in 3-D, then ArcGlobe is the answer!
Custom Desktop Applications
Using the ArcGIS Engine Runtime, custom Desktop applications can be created.
ArcGIS Explorer
Plug-ins are available that allow you to connect to real-time tracking services from Esri's ArcGIS Explorer.