An overview of the Roads and Highways toolbox

Roads and Highways is a data management application suite that provides an integrated framework for maintaining highway data with linear referencing systems. The Roads and Highways toolbox provides essential Roads and Highways tools for regenerating routes, managing calibration points and events, and executing quality control checks.

Tool name


Convert M-Value Units Of Measure

Converts the measure (m) values of a dataset from one unit to another. The m-values of the input dataset are modified upon executing this tool.

Convert Table To CSV File

Converts a table to a CSV file.

Detect Gaps For Linear Events

Checks routes on the network for gaps between linear events.

Detect Measures Out of Range

Checks routes on a network for out-of-range line and point event measures.

Detect Non-Monotonic Routes

Checks routes for nonmonotonic calibration of the m-values on vertices. Non-Monotonic calibration occurs when a route does not contain either strictly increasing or strictly decreasing m-values on its vertices.

Detect Overlaps For Linear Events

Checks routes on the network for overlaps between linear events.

Generate Calibration Points

Assists in the generation of calibration point features when there is no advanced linear referencing present in the geodatabase.

Generate Routes

Re-creates shapes and calibration for routes features in a LRS Network.

Translate Events from LRM to LRM

Translates the measures (m-values) of events from one LRM (Linear Referencing Method) to another. The output is a new event layer feature class.

Update Calibration Points

Builds calibration point features when an advanced linear referencing system already exists in the geodatabase.

Tools in the Roads and Highways toolbox.
