A quick tour of ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry (Bathymetry Solution)

ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry is a component of the ArcGIS for Maritime platform and is available with ArcGIS for Desktop. As an extension, it builds upon the existing functionality of mosaic datasets to allow for:


ArcMap is the main application interface for working with the Bathymetry Solution. Within ArcMap, you can manage, visualize, and extract bathymetry data using interactive windows and the geoprocessing framework. Geoprocessing tools are also available within ArcCatalog and the Catalog window in ArcMap.

Bathymetry Solution includes the Bathymetry toolbar and several geoprocessing tools for working with bathymetry data.

Bathymetry toolbar

The primary tools that you will use to access data with the Bathymetry Solution are accessible from the Bathymetry toolbar. The toolbar includes some administrative-level tools that typical users will not likely need, as well as tools for regular users:

Bathymetry toolbar

Windows in the ArcMap interface

You will work with bathymetry data and metadata from two windows within ArcMap: the Explore Bathymetry and the Compose Surface windows. The Explore Bathymetry window allows you to filter bathymetric datasets, and the Compose Surface window allows you to order datasets and combine them according to specified rules and export surfaces.

Geoprocessing tools

The Bathymetry Solution contains geoprocessing tools and a model that are accessible from the Bathymetry toolbox. The geoprocessing toolbox includes tools for exporting depth points from a gridded surface and converting a point feature class to an ASCII file. The toolbox also includes a model to directly output sampled depth points from a gridded surface to an ASCII file.

Bathymetry Tools toolbox

Integration with the Nautical Information System (NIS)

The Bathymetry toolbox includes the Extract Depths tool that links BIS data with the Nautical Information System (NIS), the ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting central geodatabase for managing all product features. The Extract Depths tool extracts depth points from a surface and stores them in a point feature class. These extracted points can then be imported into the NIS or charting data models.

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