Setting up a dynamic scale

The scale and extent options are used to set the scale and control the size of the data frame. When the Dynamic Scale option (variable scale) is used, you can also decide whether or not the data frame is resized.

  1. Click Dynamic Scale in the Scale and Extent list.
  2. Choose either the Do Not Resize Data Frame or Set Data Frame Size option.
    • The Do Not Resize Data Frame option allows you to stretch or shrink the data frame interactively. The data frame will not be resized, and the AOI feature is scaled to fit within the resulting data frame. If you choose this option, proceed to step 5.
    • The Set Data Frame Size sets the data frame to a fixed height and width. If you attempt to interactively resize it, it will return to the specified size. If you choose this option, you need to define the data frame's size.
  3. Type a value in the Width and Height text boxes.

    These values represent the width and height of the data frame if you have chosen to maintain its size and define it accordingly.

  4. Click the Units drop-down arrows for the width and height and choose the unit of measurement you want to use to define the data frame's extent for each one.

    The available units of measurement range from inches, points, and centimeters to nautical miles, decimal degrees, and decimeters. If you change the units for either the height or the width, you must change the unit of measurement on the other so they match.

    The Unit Type drop-down list indicates that page units are being used. The page units use the designated number of page units to determine the size of the data frame. The map units set the data frame based on the AOI feature's size.

  5. Click Next.

    The Dynamic Definition Query dialog box appears.

  6. Proceed to one of the following: