Create JOG Elevation Tint Bands from Features (Defense Mapping)
Converts contour polylines into elevation tint band polygon features. The features can be used to represent different elevation levels on a Joint Operations Graphic (JOG).
Use contour lines that have been collected using meters.
The feature layers specified for the Contour Feature Class and Exclusion Feature Classes parameters must all contain the field listed in the Contour Elevation Field parameter.
The Elevation Units parameter value applies to all the feature layers specified for the Contour Feature Class and Exclusion Feature Classes parameters.
This tool may generate holes around the corners of AOI Feature Class features. Set a high AOI Buffer value to correct this. Do not use a negative value for this parameter.
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
AOI_Feature_Class |
The area of interest for the JOG. This feature is typically stored in an index feature class. | Feature Layer |
AOI_Field |
A field that contains a unique identifier for each area of interest. | Field |
AOI_Buffer |
A buffer to apply to input area of interest features. The buffer expands the AOI Feature Class geometry to include features in the Contour Feature Class that lie beyond the boundary of an AOI. This can improve the accuracy of the banding calculation that is used to generate polygons. | Linear unit |
Contour_Feature_Class |
The feature layer that contains the contours. The information for the output bands will be derived from these features. This must be a polyline feature class. | Feature Layer |
Contour_Elevation_Field |
The field in the contour feature layer from which the elevation values will be derived. | Field |
Contour_Elevation_Units | The unit of measurement that has been used to collect the contours and exclusion features.
| String |
Output_Feature_Class |
The feature class that will contain the banding features. | Feature Class |
Output_Feature_Class_Units |
Output band distance units.
| String |
Exclusion_Feature_Classes [Exclusion_Feature_Classes,...] (optional) |
Feature layers that define areas for processing exclusion. Excluded areas will not be taken into account when calculating the percent area ratio for the output bands. | Feature Layer |
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the CreateJOGElevationTintBands tool.
# Name:
# Description: Create banding features from a single JOG feature
# Requirements: Esri Defense Mapping solution
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out a DefenseMapping extension license
# set the gp environment
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:\\data\\MapIndex.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = "true"
# create a feature layer for the AOI_Feature_Class parameter
aoiPath = "MapIndex\\JOG_Index"
print arcpy.GetMessages()
# create a feature layer for the Contour_Feature_Class parameter
contoursPath = "ContourL"
print arcpy.GetMessages()
# create a where clause for select by layer
whereClause = "NRN='1501ANI1105'"
# select a single AOI feature from JOG
print arcpy.GetMessages()
# Variables for the tool
aoiField = "NRN"
aoiBuffer = "100 meters"
contourElevField = "elevation"
outputFeatureClass = "jogElevTintBands"
# execute the Create JOG Elevation Tint Bands tool - output is written arcpy.env.workspace
arcpy.CreateJOGElevationTintBands_defense("aoiFeatures", aoiField, aoiBuffer, "contourFeatures", contourElevField, "Meters", outputFeatureClass, "Meters","")
print arcpy.GetMessages()
# Check in the Defense Mapping extension