Database elements (Aviation)

Database elements include any element used in a map's page layout. These can be surround elements, such as scale bars, north arrows, and legends, or they can be logos, text, or other graphics that are created for specific purposes in a map. Layout elements can also be data frames.

The Database Element dialog box allows you to store layout elements in a database, which can be used as a central repository or element library for your map elements, and allows them to be easily accessed any time they need to be added to your map. It also allows you to store and retrieve the layout elements you have included in a specified database. The items stored in the database can be categorized according to their respective solutions. From the individual solutions, the elements can be saved according to product, category, and element name. For example, you can save an element for a Joint Operations Graphic (JOG) under the Production Mapping heading, JOG product, Aeronautical category and name it Meter Ref Guide.

Element Library Manager hierarchy

Any element in your map layout can be added to the database. Once it is in the database, the Database Element dialog box provides the ability to add, delete, and copy your layout elements. You can cut, copy, and paste between different solutions, products, and categories using the tree view.

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