Deleting a view (Production Mapping)

Once you have created and saved a view setting, it can also be deleted. Deleting a view removes it from the database location in which it was stored as well as from the Select View drop-down list.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Symbology.
  3. Click the View drop-down arrow on the Production Symbology toolbar and choose the view you want to delete.

    If you don't see the view you want to delete, change the views table location in the View Properties dialog box. Click the Views Views button to access the View Properties dialog box.

  4. Click the Delete View Delete View button on the Production Symbology toolbar.

    The Delete View dialog box appears and prompts you about whether you want to delete the view.

  5. Click an option:
    • Yes removes the view setting from the database and the Select View drop-down list.
    • No cancels the deletion.

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