Changing the Review status description for a composite check (Production Mapping)

After you create a composite check, you can modify properties such as the Review status description. The status description appears in the REVIEWSTATUS cell in the Reviewer table. This description can be customized for the composite check to best describe the condition that has been found. For example, the Review status for a composite check that finds bridges that do not overlap roads or railroads could be "Bridge does not overlap a road or railroad."

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer.
  3. Click the Reviewer Batch Job Manager button Reviewer Batch Job Manager on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

    The Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box appears.

  4. Click Open.

    The Select a Batch Job File dialog box appears.

  5. Navigate to the batch job that contains the composite check you want to open.
  6. Click Open.

    The Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box appears with the composite check and the group in which it is included.

  7. Double-click the name of the composite check you want to edit.

    The Composite Check Properties dialog box appears.

    A composite check that checks for bridges on roads and railroads
    A composite check that checks for bridges on roads and railroads
  8. Delete the existing text in the Error Description (Review Status) text box.
  9. Type the description you want to appear in the REVIEWSTATUS field of the Reviewer table.
  10. Click OK.

    The Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box appears.

  11. Save the batch job that contains the composite check.
  12. Klicken Sie auf OK.