An overview of the Segmentation Profiles toolset

Profiles and prepares segmentation data for use in other tools.

This toolset provides tools that allow profiles to be created for use in other Business Analyst modeling and segmentation analyses.



Create Profile by Area Summation

Creates segmentation area profiles with standard geography units, study areas, trade areas, and other polygon layers.

Create Profile by Customer Layer

Creates a segmentation profile with an existing customer layer.

Create Profile by Import From Table

Creates a profile from a table of aggregated segmentation information. For example, this tool will create a profile from a table of records that summarizes the count of customers for each segment.

Create Profile by Table Geocoding

Creates a profile from a table of address records.

Create Profile from Segmentation Coded Table

Creates a profile from a table of records that have segmentation codes already appended.

Create Target Group

Creates target groups of profile segments.

Tools in the Segmentation Profiles toolset

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