An overview of the Segmentation Analysis toolset

Allows advanced analysis of segmentation data.

Segmentation analysis provides an accurate, detailed analysis of America's neighborhoods. U.S. residential areas are divided into segments based on demographic variables such as age, income, home value, occupation, household type, education, and other consumer behavior characteristics.



Core and Developmental Segments Segmentation Report

Displays core and developmental segments in a table with customer count and percent, market area count and percent, and index.

Customer Demographic Profile Report

Summarizes the demographic makeup of the geographies where your customers live. Based on the information in this report, you can get a sense of the demographic makeup of your customer base.

Game Plan Chart

Divides segments into four quadrants based on percent composition and index. Use this chart to identify core, developmental, and niche target groups.

Game Plan Map

Divides segments into one of four categories and thematically shades each segment based on the output from the Game Plan Chart.

Gap Analysis Report

Creates a report to analyze a market by displaying total households, percent core households, percent developmental households, actual customers, customer penetration, expected customers, and the gap for a given level of geography.

Market Potential Report

Measures the likely demand for a product or service for your market area by a specific geography level from market potential data.

Market Potential Volume Report

Measures the likely demand for a product or service for your market area by a specific geography level by household counts and volume (sales) from market potential data.

Match Level Summary Report

Creates a report that assigns customer records to one of four match levels based on the geographic code assigned to each customer using the address information from your customer file.

MRI Segmentation Report

Creates a report to compare the tapestry profile of your core and developmental customers to the tapestry profile of a syndicated survey.

MRI Understanding Market Report

Compares the Tapestry profile of your Core and Developmental customers to the Tapestry profile of a syndicated survey.

Profile Segmentation Report

Shows the Tapestry segments and summary groups that most accurately reflect your customer records and compares your customer profile to the Profile Segmentation Report of your base geography.

Profile Volume Segmentation Report

Tool shows the tapestry segments and summary groups that most accurately reflect customer records and compares customer profiles to the tapestry profile of your base geography based on households or adult population and volume (sales).

Segmentation Charts

Graphically displays index values for each segment when comparing two or more profiles. These charts are used to graphically illustrate the values in a Customer Tapestry Profile Report.

Segmentation Penetration Map

Thematically shades the percent penetration of selected segments. This map helps you determine the concentration of your target segments at a given level of geography.

Target Map

Thematically shades selected segments a single color in a map to help you determine where your target segments are located.

Tools in the Segmentation Analysis toolset

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