Wind Rose Report (Business Analyst)
Offers a visual representation of the frequency and direction of customer locations.
Learn more about how Wind Rose Report (Business Analyst) works
This tool allows you to examine the pattern and distribution of customers in relation to a corresponding store location.
The customer layer must be a point feature layer.
In ArcMap, customer points will only be used in the report if they are within the active study area or analysis extent.
The Wind Rose chart divides a customer layer into different geographic sectors (N, NE, NW, S, SE, and so on). Because the sectors divide the entire distribution of customer locations around a store location, a circular buffer is created around the store that encompasses all the store points. This circle is then divided into sectors.
You can use the Cutoff Distance option to limit the size of the circular buffer created around each store location.
An even number of sectors is recommended.
A value of at least four sectors is recommended.
The proportion of customers in each sector can be calculated using a weight value associated with each customer record.
Use the Customer Setup tools if your customers are not already associated with a store location.
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
InputFeatureLayer |
The input feature class containing center points for the report. In most cases, this will be a Business Analyst store layer. Distance and direction will be measured from these points. | Feature Layer |
IDField |
Unique ID field in the center points (store) layer. Distances will be calculated from these points. | Field |
All_Or_Single_Or_Selected |
Creates Wind Rose Reports for the points in the input feature layer.
| String |
CustomerLayer |
The input feature class containing the points for the customer distribution. In most cases, this will be a Business Analyst customer layer. Distance and direction will be measured from the store center points to features in this point layer. | Feature Layer |
InCustomerStoreIDField |
The store ID field that will be used to identify which customers are associated with each store. | Field |
CustomerWeightField |
The proportion of customers in each sector can be calculated by using a weight value associated with each customer record. If you do not want to use a weight field, set the weight field to the first value of <none>. | Field |
NumberOfSectors |
Determines the number of sectors in the Wind Rose diagram. | Long |
ReportName |
Name for the report file. | String |
ReportTitle |
Title for the report. | String |
OutputFolder |
The report is created in this output directory. | Folder |
ByID_Or_ByName (optional) |
Field used to select a single point.
| String |
Single_Site (optional) |
ID or name of store to be used as the single point. | String |
UseSelectedFeatures (optional) |
Uses selected features to generate the Wind Rose Report.
| Boolean |
ExcludeOutlyingCustomers (optional) |
Sets a cutoff distance to remove outlying feature points from the report.
| Boolean |
CutoffDistance (optional) |
The threshold beyond which to exclude outlying customers from the analysis. | Double |
MeasureUnits (optional) |
The units used with the distance values. By default, the units defined in the Business Analyst preferences will be selected.
| String |
ReportFormats (optional) |
Select the desired report output format
| String |
# Name:
# Description: Creates a Wind Rose report.
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define input and output parameters for the Wind Rose Report tool
Store = "C:/temp/sf_stores.shp"
Cust = "C:/temp/sf_cust.shp"
StoreIdLink = "STORE_ID"
Weight = "SALES"
Output = "C:/temp/WindRoseOutput"
# Create Wind Rose reports
arcpy.WindRoseReport_ba(Store, Id, "ALL", Cust, StoreIdLink, Weight, "5", "Wind Rose Report", "Wind Rose Report", Output)
# Release extension license
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)