Distance Decay Report (Business Analyst)
Calculates market penetration for a number of ring or drive-time polygons around your stores.
When determining the Total Market Counts Calculation Method, the Calculate Using Geography Level option will allow you to choose from any polygon layer that has been set up using the Analysis Layer Setup utility.
The Total Market Counts Field parameter is available if the option In the layer attribute table is selected in the Total Market Counts Calculation Method parameter.
In principle, distance decay trade areas are not different from a simple weighted area. Business Analyst distance decay functionality provides the mechanism to create these areas based on the geographic principle of distance decay: the propensity to visit a store decreases as the distance to the store increases.
Distance decay area calculates market penetration values for a number of ring or drive-time polygons around your stores.
The Distance Decay Report shows you how far your customers are traveling to a store in comparison to a base value, such as population.
You must have store and customer layers with customer assignments already generated.
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
InputFeatureLayer |
The input feature class containing center points for the report. In most cases, this will be a Business Analyst store layer. | Feature Layer |
IDField |
Unique ID field in the store layer. | Field |
All_Or_Single_Or_Selected |
Creates trade areas for points in the input feature layer.
| String |
RingsType |
Determines how the generated trade areas will be derived.
| String |
RingsCollection [RingsCollection,...] |
The distances, in ascending size, used to create trade areas around the input features. | Double |
MeasureUnits (optional) |
The units used with the distance values. By default, the units defined in the Business Analyst preferences will be selected.
| String |
CustomerLayer |
The input feature class containing the points for the customer distribution. In most cases, this will be a Business Analyst customer layer. | Feature Layer |
MarketPenetrationTMCType |
Determines the location where the market count calculation will be derived.
| String |
MarketPenetrationTMCField |
The field that contains the base total market counts from the market penetration layer used in calculating the market penetration. | String |
InputGeographyLevel |
Selects the geography level that will contain the total market counts. | Feature Layer |
MarketPenetrationTMCSummarization |
The attribute field that contains the variable used for the total market count selected from the geography level. | String |
ReportTitle |
The title for the report. | String |
MarketPenetrationReportDirectory |
The output directory where the report will be saved. | Folder |
ByID_Or_ByName (optional) |
Field used to select a single point.
| String |
Single_Site (optional) |
ID or name of store to be used as the single point. | String |
Donut (optional) |
Creates nonoverlapping concentric rings or donut bands.
| Boolean |
RemoveOverlap (optional) |
Removes the overlap using the Thiessen approach by drawing lines of equal distance between two adjacent polygons.
| Boolean |
BorderShape (optional) |
Creates a detailed border ignoring areas that cannot be reached when driven.
| Boolean |
Unique ID field based on the layer for calculating market penetration. This store ID is a field in the Market Penetration layer. | Field |
UseSelectedCustomers (optional) |
Uses selected features to generate the Distance Decay report.
| Boolean |
CustomerWeightField (optional) |
Defines the attribute of the customer layer that will be used to weight the trade areas. | Field |
IN_CL_STORE_ID (optional) |
The store ID field that will be used to identify which customers are associated with each store. This Store ID is a field in the Customer Layer. | Field |
ReportFormats;ReportFormats... [ReportFormats;ReportFormats...,...] (optional) |
Select the desired report output format.
| String |
BarrierFeatureClasses [BarrierFeatureClasses,...] (optional) |
Point, line, or polygon barriers to use when drive time or drive distance is used to calculate distances. | Feature Layer |
# Name: DistanceDecayReport.py
# Description: Calculates the market penetration in San Francisco based on a series of simple ring trade areas comparing the sales in each ring to the total population.
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define input and output parameters for the Distance Decay Report tool
Store = "C:/temp/sf_stores.shp"
Cust = "C:/temp/sf_cust.shp"
MarketPen = "C:/Temp/Decay/MpLayer.shp"
Method = "Calculate using Geography Level"
Weight = "SALES"
Data = "C:/ArcGIS/Business Analyst/US_2013/Data/BDS/esri_bg.bds"
Output = "C:/temp/DecayReport2"
# Create Distance Decay reports
arcpy.DistanceDecayReport_ba(Store, Id, "ALL", 'Simple Ring Areas', "1;2;3", "Miles", Cust, Method, Weight, Data, Var, "Ring Penetration", Output, "#", "#", "false", "false","false", "#", "false", "#", "#",sMarketPen)
# Release extension license
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)