Updating a diagram based on the XML builder

Schematic diagrams based on the XML builder contain schematic features that are queried from the schematic dataset tables in which they were stored when the diagram was generated. When XML builder diagrams open, their schematic features are queried directly from these schematic database tables.

Updating an XML builder schematic diagram consists of synchronizing the schematic database content from an updated version of the XML input data initially used to generate the diagram. If the diagram content has been laid out before the update operation is executed, this layout is kept after updating.

Schematic diagram updating is usually done in ArcMap. The following section details the steps to update a schematic diagram based on the XML builder.


The Schematics geoprocessing tools Update Diagram and Update Diagrams can also be used to update diagrams based on the XML builder.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Click Open Schematic Diagrams Open Schematic Diagrams on the Schematic toolbar and browse to and select the XML schematic diagram you want to update.
  3. Click the Schematic arrow on the Schematic toolbar and click Update Diagram Update Diagram, or right-click the schematic layer in the ArcMap table of contents and click Update Diagram Update Diagram.

    The Update Diagram dialog box opens:

    Update Diagram XML builder dialog box

  4. Click the From XML file ellipsis button to browse to and choose the XML file that contains the data you want to use for the diagram update.

    When the XML builder is configured to work with an external component that automatically provides the input XML data for the diagram update, this ellipsis button is unavailable. No specific XML file needs to be specified in that case.

  5. Make a choice for the Persist manually removed, reduced or reconnected features check box:
    • Uncheck this option so the removed/reduced schematic features are restored after update, and the schematic feature links whose connections have been modified are reconnected and are in exact coherence with the input XML data after updating.
    • Keep this option checked (default state) so the schematic features that have been removed/reduced from the diagram do not reappear, and the edited connections are kept in the updated diagram.

    This check box is enabled only if schematic features have been manually removed/reduced from the active schematic diagram using the Remove Schematic Features Remove Schematic Features or Reduce Nodes Reduce Nodes command. It is also available if connections for some schematic links have been modified using the Reconnect Schematic Links tool Reconnect Schematic Link since the first time this diagram was generated.

  6. Click OK.

The update process is performed as follows:

  1. The schematic features contained in the diagram that don't come from custom queries are loaded in memory.
  2. The specified input XML data is analyzed, and the builder operates as follows:
    • The schematic features that are still associated with NodeFeature, LinkFeature, NodeOnLinkFeature, or SubLinkFeature items in the input XML data are updated; their attributes and initial geometry are refreshed, and their current geometry is reinitialized if the diagram was not saved.
    • New schematic features associated with new NodeFeature, LinkFeature, NodeOnLinkFeature, or SubLinkFeature items in the input XML data are created in memory. Their attributes are evaluated, and their topology and geometry are initialized.
    • The schematic features initially contained in the diagram that are no longer associated with NodeFeature, LinkFeature, NodeOnLinkFeature, or SubLinkFeature items in the input XML data are removed from the memory.
  3. Then, if schematic rules are specified for the related diagram template, they are executed on all the in-memory schematic features.
  4. If the Persist manually removed, reduced or reconnected features check box is checked, the removal, reduction, and reconnecting operations are reexecuted.
  5. If there is a default schematic layout algorithm configured for the diagram template and the diagram has no saved layout, the algorithm is reexecuted, and the geometry for all the in-memory schematic features is updated accordingly.
  6. All the schematic features in memory are saved in the schematic feature classes in the schematic dataset..
  7. The active schematic diagram is then refreshed with the new schematic dataset content.

If the diagram template is configured to mix the schematic features associated with the network features with schematic features coming from custom queries, there are additional steps during the update process:

  • Schematic feature classes with custom queries configured to be launched during the diagram building (that is, queries with the Query on Generate/Update evaluation mode) are processed just before executing the rules.
  • Schematic feature classes with custom queries configured to be launched at the diagram loading (that is, queries with the Query on Start Editing evaluation mode) are processed just after executing the rules.
In both cases, the update operates as follows:
  • All the schematic features stored in the schematic feature classes with custom queries are loaded in memory.
  • The custom query specified on each schematic feature class is executed, and the in-memory schematic features are updated as follows:
    1. The in-memory schematic features that are still associated with queried records are updated; their attributes and initial geometry are updated, and their current geometry is reinitialized if the diagram was not saved.
    2. New schematic features associated with new queried records are created in memory. Their attributes are evaluated, and their topology and geometry are initialized.
    3. The schematic features in memory that are no longer associated with queried records are removed from the memory.


If a particular layout was saved for the active diagram before its update, schematic features that are already contained in the diagram before update keep their last saved position, while new schematic features introduced in the schematic diagram during the update are positioned this way:

  • At their initial coordinates if they were built by custom queries or from new input XML data and such initial coordinates are configured
  • At the (0,0) location if they were built by custom queries or from new input XML data and no initial coordinates are specified

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