Generating a diagram from network features


Before generating diagrams from network features—that is, features organized into a geometric network or a network dataset—you must create a schematic diagram template in your schematic dataset and configure it to work with the Standard builder.

Learn about configuring a Standard builder diagram template to build schematic diagrams from network features

The easiest way to generate Standard builder schematic diagrams from network features is to start ArcMap and create or load an .mxd file that references the geometric network data or the network dataset from which you want the Standard builder to operate. Then, schematic diagrams can be generated from any set of network features that is selected in this map after a manual selection or a selection by attribute, location, or graphics. When your map references a geometric network, you can also use all tools and commands on the Utility Network Analyst toolbar to set up and perform tracing operations on this geometric network and base your schematic diagram generation on the tracing result.

The generated diagrams can then be updated so their content is always in accordance with the geodatabase. When diagram generation is based on a geometric network tracing operation result, the tracing operation's parameters persist in the schematic database, so each time they are updated, ArcGIS Schematics automatically reexecutes the tracing operation and updates the diagram content according to the resulting trace.


The persistence of the trace parameters in the schematic database only concerns the core Utility Network Analyst trace. Diagrams can be generated from any applicative trace result—that is, noncore trace result—but the applicative trace parameters are not preserved with the schematic diagram in those cases. This means that, for such diagrams, since the trace cannot be reexecuted when updating, the update only performs a simple synchronization of the diagram content with the geodatabase.

The following section details the steps to generate a standard schematic diagram from network features in ArcMap.


The Schematics geoprocessing tool called Create Diagram can also be used to generate Standard builder schematic diagrams from network features. In addition, you can use the Schematic API and develop custom code to generate such diagrams.


Diagrams cannot be generated correctly if an edit session is open on the features contained in the map and this edited data is stored along with the schematic dataset in a personal or nonversioned ArcSDE geodatabase. In this case, you must save the edits on the GIS features before generating any diagram in the geodatabase. Without saving the edits on GIS features, any diagram generated will be lost. Generating diagrams in a schematic dataset stored along with GIS data that is being edited works without any constraint in file or versioned ArcSDE geodatabases.

Learn more about generating diagrams while an edit session is open

  1. Start ArcMap and load the .mxd file that contains the geometric network or the network dataset from which you want to generate schematic diagrams.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If the map document references features organized into a geometric network, select a set of features in the map or use the tools on the Utility Network Analyst toolbar to perform a tracing operation on the geometric network.
    • If the map document references features organized into a network dataset, select a set of network elements in the map.
  3. Click the Generate New Schematic Diagram button Generate New Schematic Diagram icon on the Schematic toolbar.

    The New Schematic Diagram dialog box opens.

    New Schematic Diagram dialog box—Standard builder diagram built from network data

  4. Click the Schematic Dataset or Folder drop-down arrow and choose the schematic dataset or the schematic folder in the desired schematic dataset where the generated schematic diagram will be stored.

    Learn more about the schematic datasets/folders suggested by default in this drop-down list


    • If you want your new schematic diagram to be stored in another schematic dataset that is not in the list, click the browse button Browse button icon to the right of the Schematic Dataset or Folder drop-down list and browse to the desired schematic dataset you want to work with.
    • By selecting a specific schematic folder in a schematic dataset, the generated schematic diagram is automatically stored in this schematic folder instead of the schematic dataset root.

  5. Click the Schematic Diagram Template drop-down arrow and choose the schematic diagram template (based on the Standard builder) that will be used to generate the schematic diagram.

    All the predefined schematic diagram templates available from the currently selected schematic dataset specified in the Schematic Dataset or Folder drop-down list are itemized in this list.

  6. Keep the [Create New Data Frame] default value in the Output Data Frame drop-down list so the generated schematic diagram is automatically displayed in a new data frame, or choose the data frame to which you want the generated schematic diagram to be added from that drop-down list.
  7. Type a name or pick one of the predefined names for the schematic diagram to be generated in the Schematic Diagram Name combo box.

    When a custom query is configured for the schematic diagram template, the Schematic Diagram Name control is displayed as a drop-down list with predefined schematic diagram names. These names correspond to the schematic diagram identifiers defined for the related schematic diagram template. In that case, you must select one of the predefined diagram names.

    If no custom query is specified for the schematic diagram template, the Schematic Diagram Name control is displayed as a text box where you can type any name for the generated diagram.

  8. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Selection set in Data Frame drop-down arrow and choose the data frame that contains the desired input selection set.
    • Choose the Tracing Result option for a diagram generated from the currently highlighted tracing result.
  9. Click OK.

The schematic diagram is generated and displayed in the specified data frame. It is now referenced in the schematic dataset.

  • The Selection set in Data Frame option is not available when no GIS feature is selected in the available data frames.
  • The Tracing Result option is not available when the result of the tracing operation on the geometric network is selected in the map. The result of the tracing must be returned as drawings for this option to be available.

When generating a diagram with the Tracing Result option and the trace result comes from a core trace task, the tracing operation parameters are always stored in the schematic database during the generation process. Then, when updating the diagram using the Synchronize against original selection/trace/query option, Schematics automatically reexecutes the tracing operation on the geometric network in memory, and the diagram content is updated according to the new result of the tracing operation. If you want to generate a diagram from a tracing operation without the tracing operation parameters persisting in the database, you must configure the geometric network analysis options so the tracing result is returned as a selection set instead of drawings and use the Selection set in Data Frame option to generate your diagram.


The diagram template selected in the Schematic Diagram Template drop-down list must be configured to support the network features currently selected in the map—that is, it must be configured to work with schematic feature classes that are related to the feature classes of the network features currently highlighted in the map. If none of the diagram template's schematic feature classes are associated with the network features highlighted in the map, the generated diagram is empty. To learn more about configuring schematic feature classes and the diagram template, see Specifying the content of schematic diagrams implemented by a diagram template.

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