Business Analyst reports
This section examines the various templates associated with the report writing option within Business Analyst. All templates use geography data; therefore, all levels of geography can be used in any of the predefined reports. Report templates are stored in C:\arcgis\Business Analyst\US_2013\Datasets\Report Templates in the directory where ArcGIS was installed. If you create custom reports and want them available for future use, save them in the directory \My Output Data\Report Templates_USA_ESRI_2013.
Business Analyst includes the following preset report templates to make use of the demographic data provided. You can use these templates as they are or revise them using Fusion Report Designer.
Business Analyst also provides access to reports in the cloud. Once your online credentials are setup and entered in the Preferences > Online tab in Business Analyst, you will always have access to data and reports available in the Esri cloud. The online data is available in Color-Coded Maps, various analysis wizards and the Report wizard. See Setting up online access for more information.
Standard Business Analyst Dataset
Census 2010 Summary Profile
This report provides Census 2010 data based on the 2010 Public Law (P.L.) 94-171 Redistricting release.
Variables include:
- Total Population
- Population Age 18 Years or Over
- Population by Race/Hispanic
- Total Housing Units - Occupied and Vacant
Age by Income Profile
This report breaks out household income by the age of the householder within your trade area and shows the percentage distribution of each age group. Use the Age by Income Profile to identify and exploit market niches, reveal specific age markets, uncover new opportunities, target advertising, and plan effective media campaigns. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri demographic data only.
Age by Sex Profile
Key demographic indicators such as population, age, and gender are provided for Census 2010, current-year estimates, and five-year forecasts to expose gender and age trends in your trade area. Use the Age by Sex Profile to identify the size and location of groups, such as children or the elderly, to better target marketing efforts and advertising dollars. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri Demographic data only.
Demographic and Income Profile report
This profile compares essential characteristics of the Census 2010 data, current-year estimates, and five-year forecasts such as income, age, and race. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Executive Summary
This report provides an executive summary, in paragraph form, of key demographic attributes in a trade area. The report includes current-year estimates, five-year forecasts, and Census 2010 demographic data. The report aids site selection, market analysis, and trend evaluation decisions. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri demographic data only.
Housing Profile
This report provides a detailed profile of housing choices and trends in your trade area from high-rise living to single-family homes and from renting to owning. The housing information in this report is of interest to real estate professionals, financial institutions, and residential homebuilders. Use this report to determine if households in an area fit your preferred customer profile. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri demographic data only.
Market Profile report
This report is a comprehensive report that contains current-year updates, five-year projections, and Census 2010 data for population, households, housing units, income, age, race, and labor force. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri demographic data only.
Quarterly Demographic Profile
This report provides quarterly updates of population and households. Totals are provided for eight quarters for the current year, and the preceding year, and are presented in tabular and graph format. Use this report to compare current data with the previous update and view periodic fluctuations in the data, such as seasonal population shifts. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri demographic data only.
Retail Goods and Services Expenditure report
Based on annualized data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, the CEX report line identifies the consumer dollar spending potential available to be spent for various retail categories. This report includes the total dollar amount spent; average amount spent per household; and the Spending Potential Index, which measures the amount spent for a product or service in your area compared to the U.S. average.
This report shows the total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on retail goods and services categorized by apparel, computer, food, finance, health, and insurance. A Spending Potential Index (SPI) compares the amount spent for a product or service in your area to the U.S. average. Retailers can quickly identify and compare national and local customer preferences. This report is available with 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile (Tract)
This report compares the top Tapestry segments in your area, ranked by household percentage, to their national counterparts. Use this report to help define market penetration, compare local markets to their national counterparts, identify opportunities, discover untapped potential, and target your best customers and prospects by geography. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.

The Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile is turned off by default and hidden in the Reports wizard. This is the default because the Tapestry data is not available at the block group level with a standard Business Analyst license but requires a premium license. As a result, when the report is run, it produces null values because the data apportionment method is set to block groups by default. To remedy this, change your lowest level data layer from block groups to census tracts in your Business Analyst Preferences > Data tab > Advanced section. This ensures the tract level containing the Tapestry data is used. When you access the summary reports page in the Reports wizard, the Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile appears in the list.
Standard Business Analyst Dataset
These reports require a premium license.
Automotive Aftermarket Expenditures
This report details total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on recreation products and activities such as toys and games, sports equipment and entertainment fees. A Spending Potential Index (SPI) compares the amount spent in a specified area with the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Financial Expenditures
This report details total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on financial products and services such as savings accounts, mortgages and auto loans. A Spending Potential Index (SPI) compares the amount spent in a specified area with the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
House and Home Expenditures
This report shows total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on home products and services such as furniture, major appliances and child care. A Spending Potential Index (SPI) compares the amount spent in a specified area with the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Household Budget Expenditures
This report shows total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on major household budget items such as food, housing, and apparel. A spending potential index (SPI) compares the amount spent in a specified area with the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Medical Expenditures
This report details total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on medical care and services such as prescription drugs, eye glasses and contact lenses, and physician services. A Spending Potential Index (SPI) compares the amount spent in a specified area with the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Recreation Expenditures
This report details total dollar amount and average amount per household spent on recreation products and activities such as toys and games, sports equipment and entertainment fees. A Spending Potential Index (SPI) compares the amount spent in a specified area with the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Electronics and Internet Market Potential
This report identifies what, where and how consumers are buying and using computers, electronic equipment and Internet access. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures relative market demand for items such as personal computers, televisions and online shopping compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Financial Investments Market Potential
This report identifies the number of adults and households expected to consume financial services and investment products such as online banking, home mortgage loans and mutual funds. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures the relative likelihood of adults and households in a specified area to exhibit certain consumer spending patterns compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Health and Beauty Market Potential
This report identifies market demand for health and beauty products and services among adults and households. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures the relative demand by consumers in a specified area for items such as vitamins, personal care products and doctor visits compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Pets and Products Market Potential
This report identifies market demand among adults and households for pet ownership, pet food and pet accessories. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures the relative demand of adults and households in a specified area for pets and related products and services compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Restaurant Market Potential
This report describes the market demand for family/steakhouse restaurants, fast food and chain food establishments. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures the relative demand the family/steakhouse restaurants, fast food and chain food establishments by adults and households in a specified area compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Retail Market Potential
This report provides details about the number of adults and households expected to consume products or services in a variety of retail categories. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures the relative likelihood of adults or households in a specified area to exhibit certain consumer behavior compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Sports and Leisure Market Potential
This report shows the number of adults and household participating in a range of sports, leisure and entertainment activities such as weight lifting, gardening and attending movies. A Market Potential Index (MPI) measures the relative likelihood of adults or households in a specified area to participate in activities like these compared to the U.S. average. Available for 2013/2018 Esri demographic data.
Analytical Reports
Business Points Report
The Business Points reports allow you to quickly gather information about the businesses or shopping centers in an area. The different reports are:
- Business Locations report
- Detailed Business Locations report
- Shopping Centers report
Customer Geographic Summary
The Customer Geographic Summary report allows you to quickly understand your customers demographically.
Customer Demographic Comparison
The Customer Demographic Comparison report allows you to contrast the demographic attributes of one set of customers against another. You can compare a selected subset of customers to the entire layer or compare two separate customer layers.
Average Drive Time
The Average Drive Time report calculates the average, minimum, and maximum drive time for an existing trade area polygon. The drive time is calculated from the center point or the store location to create the trade area.
Benchmark Report
The Benchmark report allows you to compare multiple trade areas against one another to decipher how one location is different from or similar to the next. You can easily measure the demographic characteristics of one area versus all other areas. The report shows statistical differences in raw number, percent, and index values.
Wind Rose Report
The Wind Rose report allows you to see where your customers are coming from by sectors. You can also see where most of your sales are coming from by creating customer-based geographic sectors radiating away from your store location.