Network Source Directions (arcpy)
The Network Source Directions object provides information used for generating driving directions that are specific to edge sources in the network dataset.
Eigenschaft | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
adminAreaFieldName (Schreibgeschützt) |
The name of the field containing the administrative area information for generating driving directions. If the administrative area information is not defined for the network dataset, adminAreaFieldName property will throw an exception. | String |
streetNameFields (Schreibgeschützt) |
Returns a Python list of Street Name Field objects for this network source. | List |
shields (Schreibgeschützt) |
Returns the Shields object. This object can be used to determine the shield properties used in driving directions. If the shields information is not defined for the network dataset, shields property will throw an exception. | Object |
Displays directions information specific to edge sources in the network dataset.
# Name:
# Description: Print direction settings specific to edge sources in the network
# dataset.
import arcpy
import sys
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Transportation"
# Create Describe object for the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("Streets_ND")
#If the directions are not set for the network dataset, exit
if not desc.supportsDirections:
print "No direction information"
print "Source Direction Information ----"
# Get all the edge sources
sources = desc.edgeSources
#If there are no edge sources in the network dataset, quit.
if not sources:
print "No edge sources"
#Loop through all the edge sources
for source in sources:
print "--------------------"
print "Name: " ,
print "Source ID: " , source.sourceID
#Print the direction information specific to edge source
sDir = source.sourceDirections
# Check if the administrative area information is defined for the network
#dataset. Otherwise adminAreaFieldName property throws an exception
if hasattr(sDir, "adminAreaFieldName"):
print "Administrative area field: " , sDir.AdminAreaFieldName
print "Administrative area field: " , "Not set"