Importing condition tables

Condition tables can be migrated to Execute SQL or Custom checks. The Execute SQL check provides a means of accessing and maintaining the parameters for conditions that had SQL statements. During the migration process, each WHERE clause and feature class combination specified in the condition table is used as criteria for the Execute SQL check.

Example of an Execute SQL check created from a condition table record
An Execute SQL check created from a condition table record

The Custom check allows you to use a custom application extension to validate the data. With condition tables, a common use for custom extensions is to ensure that global unique identifiers (GUIDs) are unique or not null, or that field values are numeric. During the migration process, the GUID, feature class or workspace, and parameter information are used as criteria for populating the Custom Check Properties dialog box.

Example of a Custom check created from a condition table record
A Custom check created from a condition table record

The end result is a check that encapsulates information from the condition table and is stored in a batch job that can be run using Reviewer Batch Validate, the Data Reviewer service, or the ReviewerConsole command line tool.

Learn more about running Reviewer batch jobs

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer.
  3. Click the Reviewer Batch Job Manager button Reviewer Batch Job Manager on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

    The Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box appears.

  4. Click Import CNTs.

    The Select Workspace dialog box appears.

  5. Navigate to the geodatabase that contains the condition table to import.

    This geodatabase must have all the knowledge base tables to run a CNT check, PLTS_MASTER_CNT, PLTS_Errors, and DBS_FC_VVT. Also, the data that the CNT checks are validating must be in the geodatabase.

  6. Click Select.

    The condition table records are imported and converted to individual Execute SQL and Custom checks. When the process is complete, the top part of the dialog box lists the checks that have been created. They are grouped by feature class.

    Reviewer Batch Job Manager with imported condition table records
  7. Click Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  8. Type a name for the batch job in the File name text box.
  9. Click Save.

    The Reviewer Batch Job Manager dialog box appears.

  10. Klicken Sie auf OK.

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