Sub Model Memory Layer with All Joins from Staging Geodatabase (Samples)
Creates a layer of the specified geometry type and joins all the CAD attributes to the selected geometry type.

This tool has been deprecated. For more information, see An overview of the Samples toolbox.
This model is a submodel in the CAD to Feature Class with all Joins from Staging Geodatabase model.
This creates in–memory layers, so if you shut down your application, these layers are deleted.
SubModelMemoryLayerWithAllJoins_samples (input_cad_staging_geodatabase, {select_geometry_type})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
input_cad_staging_geodatabase |
The staging geodatabase created by IMPORTCAD. | Folder | Workspace |
select_geometry_type (optional) |
The geometry type for the output layer. | String |
This tool is intended to be used as a model tool.
Aktueller Workspace, Standard-Ausgabe-Z-Wert, Ausgabe-CONFIG-Schlüsselwort, Ausgabe-M-Domäne, Ausgabe-XY-Domäne, Ausgabe-Z-Domäne, Ausgabe-Koordinatensystem, Ausdehnung, Ausgabe hat M-Werte, Räumliches Gitter 1, 2, 3 der Ausgabe, Räumliches Gitter 1, 2, 3 der Ausgabe, Räumliches Gitter 1, 2, 3 der Ausgabe, Scratch-Workspace
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Ja
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Ja
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Ja