Updating a diagram based on network features

Standard builder schematic diagrams built from network features (that is, features organized into a geometric network or a network dataset) contain schematic features that are queried from the schematic dataset tables in which they were stored the first time the diagram was generated. Then, each time the diagrams open, the schematic features are queried directly from these schematic dataset tables, not from the geometric network or network dataset feature classes.

There are four ways to update Standard builder schematic diagrams based on network features:

Then, whatever the chosen update option is, the following are true:

Schematic diagram updating is usually done in ArcMap. The following section details the steps to update a Standard builder schematic diagram based on network features using the Update Diagram command available on the Schematic toolbar in ArcMap.


The Schematics geoprocessing tools Update Diagram and Update Diagrams can also be used to update such diagrams.


Updating diagrams cannot be performed during an edit session when the related Schematics tables and the edited geographic feature classes are in the same physical workspace (database), except when you are working on a versioned ArcSDE or file geodatabase. When working on a personal or nonversioned ArcSDE geodatabase, you must stop the edit session on your geographic data before updating any diagram.

Learn more about updating diagrams during an edit session

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If you want to append new schematic features in your diagram or overwrite its content from a new set of network features, perform the following:
    1. Load the .mxd file that contains the geometric network or network dataset from which the update operation will be performed.
    2. Select the desired geometric network features or network elements in the map, or when working with geometric network data, use the tools on the Utility Network Analyst toolbar to perform the desired tracing operation on the geometric network.
  3. Click the Open Schematic Diagrams button Open Schematic Diagrams button on the Schematic toolbar and browse to and choose the schematic diagram you want to update.
  4. Click the Schematic arrow on the Schematic toolbar and click Update Diagram Update Diagram button, or right-click the schematic layer in the ArcMap table of contents and click Update Diagram Update Diagram button.

    The Update Diagram dialog box opens:

    Standard Builder based on network data—Update Diagram dialog box 1

  5. The options on this dialog box allow you to choose how the active schematic diagram will be updated:
    • Choose Synchronize against original selection/trace/query (attributes and features) to update the active schematic diagram content starting from the persistent tracing parameters when the diagram was generated from a geometric network tracing result or from the network feature set used to initially generate this diagram.
      • If diagram generation was based on a core geometric network trace result returned as a drawing in the map, the tracing parameters are stored in the schematic dataset. In that case, the trace based on these stored parameters is reexecuted and the tracing result is used for the diagram update.
      • If diagram generation was based on one of the following:
        • A selection set following a selection operation on the geometric network or network dataset features referenced in the map
        • A geometric network tracing operation returned as a selection set
        • A noncore—that is, an applicative—geometric network trace result
        The update operates from the network feature set used to initially generate the diagram.

        Learn more about the Synchronize against original selection/trace/query option

    • Choose Refresh attributes only to update the active schematic diagram content so only attributes on the schematic features contained in the diagram are refreshed according to the geodatabase.

      Learn more about the Refresh attributes only option

    • Choose Append new features to the active diagram if you want to keep the schematic features that are already contained in the active schematic diagram, add schematic features corresponding to a set of network features highlighted in a data frame after a selection or geometric network tracing operation, and partially or entirely synchronize the diagram content to the current state of the associated network features in the geodatabase.

      Learn more about the Append new features to the active diagram option

    • Choose Overwrite the active diagram if you want the active schematic diagram to be overwritten according to a set of network features currently highlighted in a data frame after a selection or geometric network tracing operation.

      Learn more about the Overwrite the active diagram option


    If no network features are currently selected in the map document and no tracing operation has been performed, or when the active diagram is built entirely from custom queries, the Append new features to the active diagram and Overwrite the active diagram options are unavailable.

  6. Make a choice for the Persist manually removed, reduced or reconnected features check box:
    • Uncheck this option so the removed/reduced schematic features are restored after update and the schematic feature links whose connections have been modified are reconnected and are in exact coherence with their associated real features after update.
    • Keep this option checked (default state) so the schematic features that have been removed/reduced from the diagram do not reappear and the edited connections are kept in the updated diagram.

    This check box is enabled only if schematic features have been manually removed/reduced from the active schematic diagram using the Remove Schematic Features Remove Schematic Features button or Reduce Nodes Reduce Nodes button command. It is also available if connections for some schematic links have been modified using the Reconnect Schematic Links tool Reconnect Schematic Links button since the first time this diagram was generated.

  7. Click OK.

Clicking OK while the Synchronize against original selection/trace/query or Refresh attributes option is checked directly executes the update process.

With the Append new features to the active diagram or Overwrite the active diagram option, a second dialog box opens to specify with which input GIS data the update process has to deal:

  • In both the Append From and Overwrite From dialog boxes, the Data Frame list only shows the data frames that contain selected network features. If the active data frame contains selected network features, this data frame is the one proposed by default in that drop-down list.
  • The Current Selection option is unavailable if there are no network features currently selected in one of the map document's data frames.
  • The Current Trace option is enabled only if a geometric network tracing operation has already been performed in the map document and if the resultant trace is returned as a drawing. Since only one tracing result is in memory at a time, it is not necessary to specify the data frame where the tracing operation was performed.
  • If the result of the tracing operation in memory has been returned as a selection, the Current Trace option will not be available on the Append From and Overwrite From dialog boxes; you must use the Current Selection option so your schematic diagram content is updated with the current trace result.

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