Dependencies tab

Job dependencies have similarities to the Holds tab in that they can halt the execution of the job. However, the power behind Job dependencies lies in their ability to allow you to model relationships between jobs. By defining a dependency on a job, you can restrict the progression of the job past a certain stage until another job has progressed past a certain stage. Restrictions can be placed on and restricted by the following parts of a job—Status or Step

Dependency information will consist of

When the job that is restricting the workflow of another reaches the stage defined in the dependency, the restricted job is automatically released and able to work. When a job is unable to be worked because of a dependency, you are notified that a dependency exists and you can find out more information by visiting the Dependencies tab.

With this feature, you can build advanced relationship models between jobs, such as the following scenarios:

Scenario 1—Parallel Jobs

Jobs A, B, and C cannot be closed until the steps of each are completed.

Parallel jobs

Scenario 2—Sequential Jobs

Job E cannot be started until Job D is closed.

Sequential Jobs

Scenario 3—Staggered Jobs

Job H cannot be started until Job G is at step c.

Staggered Jobs

Scenario 4—Parent/Child Jobs

Job W (parent) cannot get to step d until X, Y, and Z (children) are closed.

Parent/Child Jobs

This functionality is controlled through privileges. If you are unable to modify job dependencies, please consult with your Workflow Manager Administrator.

How to use the Dependencies Tab

Clicking the Dependencies tab when a job is selected in the job list shows something similar to the figure below.

Job dependencies

The current dependencies are outlined in the table in the main panel. The option buttons on the right-hand side allow you to choose which subset of the dependencies to view. The options are

Creating a dependency on a job

  1. Select the job you want to depend on another and navigate to the Dependencies tab.
  2. Click Create on the right panel.
    Create job dependencies
  3. Select the type of progression point you want to restrict by (step or status).
  4. Select the step or stage to be held on.
  5. Choose the job that this job is dependent on.
  6. Select the type of progression point that will release this dependency.
  7. Select the step or stage to be released on.
  8. Click OK.