Default properties
Dieses Thema gilt nur für ArcGIS for Desktop Standard und ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.
Default properties allow administrators to seed the jobs with consistent properties by job type, and each job thereafter will have default values for certain attributes. For example, you can seed the job description so that it is consistent throughout all the jobs of this type. Another example could be setting the job duration, as it's possible that all jobs of a certain type will take two weeks to complete. In this case, upon creation, the job's due date would be set to two weeks after the current date.
The following properties can have default values:
- Assigned To—The user or group the job is assigned to.
When setting up your default job assignment, you can choose that the job be assigned to the user creating the job by selecting [Job Creator] from the available list of users. This will ensure that a job of this type will automatically be assigned to the person creating the job.
- Start Date—The date the job is due to start. You can opt to have the start day always be the day the job was created by using the Creation Day option.
- Job Duration—Number of days the job is expected to last.
- Due Date—The date the job is due to end.
- Data Workspace—The location for the spatial data used for the job.
- Allow Data Workspace To Be Changed—If the data workspace selected is the only valid data source, uncheck this box. This will prevent users from changing the data workspace in the client application.
- Parent Version—The version that is used to spawn all job versions.
- Priority—Importance of the job.
- Job Description—A description of the job.
How to configure default properties
- Open Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager database.
- In Workflow Manager Administrator, navigate to the JobTypes folder under Job Components.
- Right-click the folder and click Add Job Type.
The Job Type Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Default Properties tab on the Job Types dialog box and enter the properties as desired.
If the check box next to Start Date or Due Date is not checked, this value will not be used.
Predefine some job properties by setting them as the default properties of the job type.