An Overview of the Business Analyst Territory Design Toolbox

Creates and balances territories for point and polygon datasets.

The Territory Design toolbox provides a powerful set of tools to create and balance territories for point and polygon datasets. There are seven toolsets which can facilitate in the management of territory solutions. Using custom boundaries or utilizing the geography layers within Business Analyst, users can automatically create, balance, and edit sales regions, services areas, or franchise zones.



Create Territories

The Create Territories toolset provides a set of tools to create and balance territories for point and polygon datasets. The available tools allow you to automate workflows and share across your organization.

Create Territory Solution

The Create Territory Solution toolset provides a set of tools to set up, modify, and manage territories in a variety of ways. Territory creation options can be performed manually, from seed points, optimal locations, centers of density and from a database.

Delete Territory Solution

The Delete Territory Solution toolset provides the capability for managing layers of specified territory solutions. The available tools allow you to automate workflows and share across your organization.

Export Territories

The Export Territories Toolset provides multiple options to export your territories for analysis in other programs. For example, you can create a set of territories, then export them for use in Business Analyst.

Improve Territories

The Improve Territories toolset provides the capability for balancing territories. Users can balance multiple variables and weights according to their preference.


The Reports toolset provides a set of tools to summarize your territory solutions and disseminate the information. Types of reports that can be generated allow users to show the key differences or similarities between two territory solutions or show a quick snapshot of selected territories and their levels.

Setup Territory Solution

The Setup Territory Solution toolset provides a set of tools to set up, modify, and manage territories in a variety of ways. This toolset allows user to build territory hierarchy, manage external variables, setup barriers and constraints, and difine territory extents.

Toolsets in the Territory Design toolbox