Viewing extended and collection metadata schemas (Bathymetry Solution)

You can access your extended and collection metadata configuration files directly within ArcMap using the Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box. You can fully configure both your extended and collection metadata XML schemas through a user-friendly interface that eliminates the need for an XML editor.

You can do the following to your extended and collection metadata configuration schemas:

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Bathymetry.
  3. Click the Manage BIS Settings button Manage BIS Settings on the Bathymetry toolbar.

    The Manage BIS Settings dialog box appears. The settings for your active BIS geodatabases are shown in the dialog box.

    Manage BIS Settings dialog box
  4. Click the Metadata tab.
    Metadata tab
  5. Click the ellipsis (…) next to the appropriate option to view the schema for either the extended or collection metadata.

    The Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box appears. In this example, you can look at the schema of the collection metadata.

    Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box

The Metadata Configuration Editor displays the fields that are currently active in your metadata schema, their field type, and whether they are required or searchable. The same can be done with any retired fields by checking the Show retired fields check box. You can also sort columns into a particular order, click on the field heading and they will be sorted in either an ascending or descending order. This allows you to quickly find a particular field name by browsing alphabetically, group similar field types together, and distinguish between those fields which are required or searchable and those which are not.
