Conflict prevention

Conflict prevention improves support for a multiuser enterprise geodatabase LRS Network and event editing by coordinating route and event edits. With the ability to lock routes or events on routes to a specific user in a named geodatabase version, edit conflicts can be avoided, whether explicit conflicts as defined by ArcGIS or logical conflicts that ArcGIS doesn't detect as conflicts during the reconcile process but the user perceives as such.

Conflict prevention scenarios

Scenarios where conflict prevention is useful include the following:

In some of these scenarios, without conflict prevention enabled, editors may need to resolve measure discrepancies. These measure discrepancies may not be detected by ArcGIS as conflicts in all cases.

In some cases, these conflicts or discrepancies may be on events managed by different business units, and the editor resolving the discrepancies may not have the knowledge needed to do so. In other cases, the user may be placed in the position of resolving conflicts within Roads and Highways schema elements, such as the centerline sequence table. Resolving these conflicts would require maintaining consistency between five or more tables and feature classes and could be error prone for the editor. Enabling conflict prevention in Roads and Highways can prevent placing editors and users in these type of situations.


Although conflict prevention is a tool in preventing these scenarios, it is not required and can be disabled.

Lock types

When conflict prevention is enabled, two different types of locks are used during network and event editing.

Lock root version

When enabling conflict prevention, the lock root version of the geodatabase must be configured. The lock root version is the top version of the geodatabase version tree to which edits within Roads and Highways will be posted. This version could be the default or another version that is a descendent of the default version.


Even with conflict prevention enabled, a user could still edit in a version above the lock root version (such as default). Editing in a version above the lock root is not recommended, as it would circumvent conflict prevention.

Example version configuration of a geodatabase with conflict prevention enabled
Once configuring the lock root version is complete, editors should create versions for editing that are descendants of the lock root version. When edits are finished, the editor should post to the lock root version. All route and event locks acquired by the user in that edit version are released when posting to the lock root version.

Editing with conflict prevention enabled

The experience for editing routes and events in ArcMap using Roads and Highways for Desktop and RCE doesn't change when conflict prevention is enabled. When a user begins editing a route or event with conflict prevention enabled, a lock is acquired on that route or event. To acquire the lock, Roads and Highways first checks to make sure the version the user is editing is reconciled with the lock root version. If a reconcile is required, the user is alerted to first reconcile before proceeding with editing. If no reconcile is required, the user is prompted to acquire the lock. There are options within Roads and Highways for Desktop and in RCE to configure the lock to be automatically acquired, so the user isn't prompted to acquire a lock for every route or event they edit.

In the scenarios above, enabling conflict prevention changes the editing workflow for the second editor, for example:

Once edits are complete, the lock should be released. To release a lock, the user who has acquired the lock must post their edits to the lock root version from the version where the lock was acquired. Once these changes are posted, the lock is released and any user can acquire a route or event lock on the route for additional edits.

Desktop locking tools

Roads and Highways for Desktop has tools to view locks, acquire route locks, and release route locks. A locks viewer table can be opened in ArcMap from the Roads and Highways Editing toolbar.

Desktop locks viewer table
From the locks viewer table, a user can view and filter existing locks in both the table and map. Additionally, tools in the locks viewer table allow the user to acquire route locks for a single route, or group of routes, using ArcMap selection tools. Route locks can also be released using the tools in the viewer.

Conflict prevention is supported throughout Roads and Highways for Desktop. When enabled, users can expect to acquire route locks when performing the following editing activities and workflows:

For route loading, generating and updating calibration points, removing duplicate centerlines, and other bulk operations performed against the entire network, the user should coordinate with other users to ensure all edits from child versions of the lock root are posted and no locks are present in the system before executing these processes. This will ensure the operations are run against the current version of the LRS Network.

RCE locking tools

The Roadway Characteristics Editor also has tools to view locks, acquire event locks, and release event locks. A locks viewer table can be opened from the Versioning section of the Review tab on the Roadway Characteristics Editor toolbar.

RCE locks viewer table
Using the locks viewer table in RCE, a user can view and filter existing route and event locks. In addition, event locks can be released using tools in the viewer. Event locks are acquired in RCE as users edit in the widgets and event table views.

Conflict prevention is supported throughout RCE. When enabled, users can expect to acquire event locks when editing using the following widgets and tables:

REST locking tools

The Roads and Highways REST APIs provide REST endpoints to support conflict prevention and locking. Endpoints to determine if conflict prevention is enabled, query locks, acquire event locks, and release locks provide functionality for using conflict prevention when editing. Additionally, event editing APIs have been enhanced to support conflict prevention and enforce locking as well. For more information about the Roads and Highways REST API, see Roads and Highways REST API.

Locks REST endpoints

Conflict prevention administration

Enabling conflict prevention as part of everyday editing workflows will result in route and event locks being acquired and released as various edits are performed by users. If a situation arises where a user has acquired locks and not posted edits in a timely manner, the need could arise for administration of the geodatabase to release the locks. To release route and event locks that a user has acquired, the version the locks were acquired in must be deleted. Once the version is deleted, any user can use the locks table to release the locks. Deleting the version before removing the locks ensures that any pending edits in the deleted version are not posted to the lock root version. With no pending edits that could potentially result in a conflict, the event and route locks in that deleted version are free to be released.

Although conflict prevention is not required when using Roads and Highways, enabling it prevents explicit and logical conflicts that could occur when editing in a multiuser geodatabase. These scenarios include the following:

Disabling conflict prevention does not change the appearance or editing workflows in ArcMap using Roads and Highways for Desktopor in RCE. The only difference for editors when conflict prevention is disabled is that no messages related to locking and conflict prevention appear when performing editing workflows.
