What's new in ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry (Bathymetry Solution)

The following changes in ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry were released.

New at 10.2.2

The following enhancements have been made.

New at 10.2.1


Invalid or missing Bathymetry Data Index option added to the Diagnose BIS dialog box. It repairs the BIS when the Bathymetry Data Index is missing datasets or if the Bathymetry Data Index itself is missing.

Deprecated tools

The following have been removed from the Conversion toolset.

  • Fledermaus v6 DTM To BAG
  • GMT Grid To BAG
  • Grass GIS DTM To BAG
  • GUTM Grid To BAG
  • Mosaic To BAG
  • NAVO Final Survey Grid To BAG
  • OMG R4/Mos To BAG
  • QPS Grid To BAG
  • Raw Binary Grid To BAG

New at 10.2 and updates

The latest update can be downloaded from the Esri Support site.

Additional raster formats are now supported. This additional support will coincide with the current existing support for Bathymetric Attributed Grids (BAGs) regarding the extraction of internal metadata. Examples of additional formats that can be registered with ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry include GeoTIFF, Esri Grid, ASCII Grid, and more.

The Conversion toolset has been added to the Bathymetry Tools toolbox.

Enhancements in performance and usability have been made in the Extract Depths and Depths To ASCII tool.

Bathymetry Tools toolbox

The Manage BIS Settings dialog box contains a new Metadata tab that allows you to edit extended and collection metadata. It opens the Extended Metadata Configuration Editor or the Collection Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box based on which option you choose; in these dialog boxes, you can add new fields, hide fields, and even add items to a drop-down list of an existing field.

Metadata tab
Collection Metadata Configuration Editor dialog box