Using Portal for ArcGIS with ArcGIS for Desktop

As part of the ArcGIS platform, Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS for Desktop can be used together for sharing maps, layers, and packages.

Before you use Portal for ArcGIS with ArcGIS for Desktop, you must connect to the portal from ArcGIS Administrator. If you will be adding data to ArcMap from your portal or publishing hosted feature services or tiled map services, you must sign in to your portal from ArcMap.

Adding data from your portal

You can add web maps, feature services, tiled map services, and map packages from your portal to ArcMap.

  1. In ArcMap, click File > Add Data > Add Data From Portal for ArcGIS.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, you can search for data and maps in the portal, or choose them from the Featured or My Data lists. You can also open the groups to which you have access and add data from them.
  3. To add a web map, service, or package to your map, double-click it or click Add.
  4. If you added an editable feature service to your map, you can perform edits. See About editing data from feature services and its related topics for more information.

Sharing map packages with your portal

You can upload map packages from ArcMap to your portal.

  1. Open the map you want to share.
  2. Click File > Share As > Map Package.
  3. Choose Upload package to my account.
  4. Type a name for the map package.
  5. At a minimum, you must provide a summary and tags for the Item Description. You can also provide a description, use constraints, and credits for the map package.
  6. Click Sharing and indicate whether the map package should be shared with specific groups or with everyone in your organization.
  7. Click Share to create the map package and add it as an item to your portal.

Publishing hosted feature services or tiled map services

If your portal is configured with a hosted server, you can publish hosted feature services or tiled map services from ArcMap.

Publishing hosted services from ArcMap is the same as publishing other services, but instead of choosing an ArcGIS server for your server connection, choose My Hosted Services.

When publishing a hosted service, you have two options for service capabilities: Tiled Mapping and Feature Access. Choose one or both of these options, then provide the information needed to publish the services.

As with other services, provide information for the item description and specify who can access the service. When you have finished specifying the information you need in the Service Editor, you can publish the service.

Adding items to your portal by publishing to the federated server

When you publish services to any of the servers you have federated with your portal, the service is published to all federated server sites and is added automatically as an item in the portal.

See How to publish a service in the ArcGIS Server help for instructions on publishing a service.

When you delete the service from your portal items, the service is deleted from all federated server sites.
