00120: Query table has a complex query

Your stand-alone table is a query table defined by a complex SQL query, and you are publishing to ArcGIS for Server.


More information

Publishing to ArcGIS for Server requires that the SQL query defining the query table be simple. A common example would be as follows: SELECT * FROM Test.dbo.US_States. A simple query can contain a subset of the fields in the table, for example, SELECT objectid, pop2000, pop2010 FROM Test.dbo.US_States. WHERE clauses and joins are unsupported when publishing; for example, you cannot publish a query table where you are selecting a subset of rows in a simple query because it is controlled by the WHERE clause.

Learn more about authoring feature services for ArcGIS for Server

A query layer is a layer or stand-alone table that is defined by an SQL query. Query layers allow both spatial and nonspatial information stored in a DBMS to be easily integrated into GIS projects within ArcMap. Since query layers are using SQL to directly query database tables and views, spatial information used by a query layer is not required to be in a geodatabase.

When working in ArcMap, you create query layers by defining an SQL query. The query is then run against the tables and views in a database, and the result set is added to ArcMap as a layer or stand-alone table (depending on the query).

Learn more about query layers and creating a query layer

Learn more about authoring feature services for ArcGIS for Server
