00097: Missing Summary in Item Description

A summary is required for the Item Description before creating a package, or when you are publishing a GIS service that is being shared with ArcGIS Online.


If you are sharing a package

If you are sharing a service

More information

When packaging or serving content, it is important to provide a summary of your package/service so that consumers of the package/service will know who created the package/service, where it came from, and when and how it was made. The summary can be added by accessing the Item Description tab on the Map Package or Service Editor dialog boxes and populating the appropriate field.

The Service Editor dialog box can be accessed from the main menu in ArcMap by clicking File > Share as > Service.

The Map Package dialog box can be accessed from the main menu in ArcMap by clicking File > Share as > Map Package.

The Layer Package dialog box can be accessed by right-clicking one or more layers in the ArcMap table of contents and selecting Create Layer Package.
