00056: Data frame contains multiple layers with the same name

Your data frame contains layers that share the same name and you are attempting to publish one of the following:


More information

WFS and WCS capable map services always use the layer name. WFS and WCS capable map services cannot be published if layers within a single data frame share the same name. You will need to change layer names to ensure that they are unique.

Learn more about WFS services

Learn more about WCS services

This also applies to a WMS capable map service that uses layer names to identify layers. You have the option to represent layers in the WMS capabilities as zero-based integers or by using the layer name strings used in the map document’s table of contents. The default is to use zero-based integers. If you chose to use layer names, you cannot have two or more layers in the map document sharing the same name. This restriction does not apply to the names of group layers.

Learn more about WMS services
