Placing labels using external zones

  1. Enable the Maplex Label Engine.
  2. Click the Label Manager button Label Manager on the Labeling toolbar.
  3. Check the check box next to the layer you want to label.
  4. Choose a label class under the layer.
  5. Click the Properties button.
  6. Click the Label Position tab.
  7. Click the External Zones button.
  8. If this button is not activated, ensure that Regular Placement is chosen from the drop-down list; the Horizontal, Straight, or Curved placement position is chosen; and the May place label outside polygon boundary check box is checked. The Offset Horizontal placement can also be used.

  9. Type a search order value between 1 and 8 for each zone.
  10. Each zone should have a unique value between 1 and 8. You can block one or more zones from consideration by typing a search order value of 0 for the zone.

  11. Optionally, set a label offset.
  12. Click OK to close all dialog boxes.
You can also open the Placement Properties dialog box by clicking the Placement Properties button on the Labels tab of the Layer Properties dialog box for the layer you want to label.

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