Edit TIN (3D Analyst)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Adds features from one or more input feature classes that define the surface area of a triangulated irregular network (TIN).

Learn more about how Edit TIN works


Add Feature Class To TIN illustration



EditTin_3d (in_tin, in_features, {constrained_delaunay})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input TIN.

TIN Layer
[[in_feature_class, height_field, tag_value, SF_type, use_z],...]

Specify features that will be included in the TIN. Each input can have the following properties set to define the manner in which its features contribute to the surface:

height_field—The field supplying elevation values for the features. Valid options include any numeric field and the Shape field, if the feature geometry supports Z-values. The <None> keyword is also available for features that do not have any qualifying fields or do not require elevation values. Z-less features have their values interpolated from the surrounding surface.

tag_value—The fill polygons that assign integer values to triangles as a basic form of attribution. Their boundaries are enforced in the triangulation as breaklines. Triangles inside these polygons are attributed with the tag values. Specify the name of the feature class attribute to use as tag values in the TIN. If tag values are not to be used, specify <none>.

SF_type—The surface feature type that defines how the feature geometry gets incorporated into the triangulation for the surface. Point features can only be used as masspoints, whereas line features can be defined as breaklines, and polygons can be defined as the masspoints option, whereas lines can be defined as clip, erase, replace, and value fill features. Breaklines and polygon surface types have 'hard' and 'soft' qualifiers that indicate whether the features represent smooth or sharp discontinuties on the surface.

use_z—Specifies whether Z values are used when the SHAPE field of the input feature is indicated as the height source. Selecting true will result in Z values being used, and false will result in M, or measure values, being used. Z's are used by default.

Value Table

A constrained Delaunay triangulation conforms to Delaunay rules everywhere except along breaklines. When using conforming Delaunay triangulation, breaklines are densified by the software; therefore, one input breakline segment can result in multiple triangle edges. When using constrained Delaunay triangulation no densication occurs and each breakline segment is added as a single edge.

  • DELAUNAY The triangulation will fully conform to the Delaunay rules. This is the default.
  • CONSTRAINED_DELAUNAYThe Delaunay triangulation will be constrained.

Code Sample

EditTIN example 1 (Python window)

The following sample demonstrates the use of this tool in the Python window:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

env.workspace = "C:/data"
arcpy.ddd.EditTin("my_tin", "clip_polygon.shp <None> <None> hardclip false; "\
                 "new_points.shp Shape <None> masspoints true", "Delaunay")
EditTIN example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following sample demonstrates the use of this tool in a stand-alone Python script:

Name: EditTin Example
Description: This script demonstrates how to use the 
             EditTin tool to add features to a output of the CopyTin tool.

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Obtain a license for the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data/LAS"

    # Set Local Variables
    origTin = "elevation"
    copyTin = "elev_copy"
    inFCs = [["Clip_Polygon.shp", "<None>", "<None>", "hardclip", False], 
             ["new_points.shp", "Shape", "<None>", "masspoints", True]]
    # Execute CopyTin
    arcpy.CopyTin_3d(origTin, copyTin, "CURRENT")
    # Execute EditTin
    arcpy.EditTin_3d(copyTin, inFCs, Delaunay)
    # Returns any other error messages
    print arcpy.GetMessages(2)

del arcpy


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Requires 3D Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requires 3D Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requires 3D Analyst