Example AGV files

The AGV file format properties consist of three main sections: video metadata, video source, and video georeferencing information. Here are two examples of the XML text of an AGV file showing how all the property pieces fit into the final structure.

Example 1

This AGV file is for a video showing the predicted tsunami damage impact for a wide area and is rectangular in shape. The frames have been stored as individual JPG files in a folder on a shared machine. The video is 3,600 frames long and plays at a speed of 30 frames per second, for a total duration of 120 seconds (or 2 minutes).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Name>Tsunami Damage Prediction - California</Name>
  <ImageSource FrameSourceType="Folder">
  <VideoGeoReferencing ProjectionType="Ortho">

Example 2

This AGV file is for an exported security camera video, and it is projected at an angle of 30 degrees from vertical. The camera faces northeast (a 45-degree compass bearing) and is at an absolute elevation of 20 meters (15 meters above the surface elevation of 5 meters). The video source is an MPG file on the local machine, and the original footage was captured at 5 frames per second.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Name>Carpark C Security - Export</Name>
   <Description>Archival footage of Carpark C: [8/16/2005] [12.00pm-2.00pm]</Description>
  <VideoSource FrameSourceType="File">
  <VideoGeoReferencing ProjectionType="Camera">

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