Raster dataset properties

For all raster-related data, such as raster datasets, raster products, and mosaic datasets, the Properties dialog box lists the specific details associated with each. There is general information for all data and information from the metadata files associated with raster products and mosaic datasets, including:

This information can be accessed from any of the dataset or layer property pages and is organized into two groups (on two tabs): General and Key Metadata.

To view the raster dataset properties in ArcCatalog or the Catalog window, right-click the raster dataset and click Properties. In ArcMap, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene, right-click the raster dataset layer in the table of contents, click Properties, then click the Source tab. To view the metadata-related properties, click the Key Metadata tab. You can also obtain properties of a raster dataset using the Get Raster Properties tool.

Some properties, such as data source type and statistic, can be modified using the Set Raster Properties tool.

Mosaic datasets have additional properties to control their behavior. These can be modified using the Set Mosaic Dataset Properties tool.

Learn about mosaic dataset properties

General properties

The General properties contains information specific to the storage format and other information used to support the format and display the data.

Data source

The Data Source section describes the raster dataset's name, type, and location. If the raster dataset is on a database server, it has server information rather than path information. If the image is an image service, the Data Source section is titled Image Service and provides the appropriate information.

If viewing the properties for a raster product, no data source information will be displayed.

Raster information

The Raster information section lists the raster-specific properties, including the following:

  • Number of columns and rows (of pixels)
  • Number of bands
  • Cell size (x,y)
  • Uncompressed size
  • Format
  • Source type
  • Pixel type (unsigned/signed, integer/floating point)
  • Pixel depth/Bit depth (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)
  • NoData value
  • Colormap (present/absent)
  • Pyramids
  • Compression type
  • Mensuration Capabilities


The Number of bands property can be edited for mosaic datasets.

The Source Type controls how the data is rendered by default. These options will be overridden if you modify the defaults.

  • Generic—Uses the application defaults for resampling and stretching.
  • Elevation—Applies bilinear resampling and a Min-Max stretch.
  • Thematic—Applies nearest neighbor resampling and a Standard Deviation stretch.
  • Processed—No stretch is applied.

The Mensuration Capabilities are determined by the data source and grouped into these five categories:

  • Basic—The Distance, Area, Point Location, and Centroid Location mensuration tool can be used. These tools will be available with all the other options, except None.
  • 3D—The measurements made using the tools available with the Basic option can be modified using a DEM.
  • Height—The sensor model exists for datasets within the mosaic dataset; therefore, the Height: Using Base To Top mensuration tool can be used.
  • Shadow—The sensor model and sun angle information exists for datasets within the mosaic dataset; therefore, the Height: Using Base To Top, Height: Using Base To Top Shadow, and Height: Using Top To Top Shadow mensuration tools can be used.
  • None—The user will not be able to use the mensuration tools in ArcGIS with this dataset.

Learn about the mensuration capabilities of specific raster data sources


The Extent section describes the rectangle (boundary) containing all the raster dataset's data. The top, bottom, left, and right coordinates of the rectangle are listed in the same spatial reference units in which the raster is stored.

Spatial reference

The raster dataset's coordinate system is described in the Spatial Reference section. All the spatial reference's parameters are listed. A raster dataset can have an undefined coordinate system.

Learn how to define a raster's coordinate system


The Statistics section lists several of the raster dataset's statistics:

  • Minimum value
  • Maximum value
  • Mean value
  • Standard deviation
  • Number of classes

Learn about calculating statistics for a raster dataset

Geodata transform

A transformation in a raster dataset defines how the pixels will be transformed when displayed or accessed as well as the output spatial reference of the raster dataset after the transformation is applied (rectified). A geodata transform is the mathematical model that geometrically transforms the pixels. Each transformation can be defined through a set of parameters used by a geodata transform.

Learn about persisting transformations

Key metadata

Key metadata is extracted from the raster's metadata and is generally associated with a raster product (and NITF data), a mosaic dataset created using a product description, or for each raster within a mosaic dataset, added using specific raster types. This information is used to assist the application with some processing and rendering, including providing some useful information such as the band names associated with the imagery. For example, the wavelength information is used for band ordering or pan sharpening, and product information is used to determine how it will be enhanced. Some properties are used for mensuration when using shadows, such as the sun azimuth and sensor's elevation. Properties such as radiance gain, bias values, and reflectance gain, bias values are the measures of energy used to calculate the Top of Atmosphere reflectance of the planetary surface, and solar irradiance is the measure of the solar radiative energy used to calculate the effect of the sun's radiation.

The information displayed on the Key Metadata tab (if available) includes the following:

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