Create Overpass (Cartography)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Allows intersecting lines to be displayed as overpassing one another by creating bridge parapets and masks to cover the underlying road segment.


Illustration of Create Overpass tool
Creating overpass with different wing types



CreateOverpass_cartography (in_above_features, in_below_features, margin_along, margin_across, out_overpass_feature_class, out_mask_relationship_class, {where_clause}, {out_decoration_feature_class}, {wing_type}, {wing_tick_length})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input line feature layer containing stroke representations that intersect—and will be symbolized as passing above—stroke representations in the Input Below Features.


The input line feature layer containing stroke representations that intersect—and will be symbolized as passing below—stroke representations in the Input Above Features. These features will be masked by the polygons created in the Output Overpass feature class.


Sets the length of the mask polygons along the Input Above Features by specifying the distance in page units that the mask should extend beyond the width of the stroke symbol of the Input Below Features. The Margin Along must be specified, and it must be greater than or equal to zero. Choose a page unit (points, millimeters, and so on) for the margin; the default is points.

Linear unit

Sets the width of the mask polygons across the Input Above Features by specifying the distance in page units that the mask should extend beyond the width of the stroke symbol of the Input Below Features. The Margin Across must be specified, and it must be greater than or equal to zero. Choose a page unit (points, millimeters, and so on) for the margin; the default is points.

Linear unit

The output feature class that will be created to store polygons to mask the Input Below features.

Feature Class

The output relationship class that will be created to store links between Overpass mask polygons and the stroke representations of the Input Below Features.

Relationship Class

An SQL expression used to select a subset of features in the Input Above Features with Representations parameter.

Use quotes, "MY_FIELD", or if you're querying personal geodatabases, enclose fields in square brackets: [MY_FIELD]

In the Python window, enclose the {where_clause} in parentheses to ensure the spaces (which are delimiters between parameters) are correctly interpreted.

See SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS for more information on SQL syntax.

SQL Expression

The output line feature class that will be created to store parapet features.

Feature Class

Specifies the wing style of the parapet features.

  • ANGLEDSpecifies that the wing tick of the parapet will be angled between the Input Above Features and the Input Below Features. This is the default.
  • PARALLELSpecifies that the wing tick of the overpass wing will be parallel to the Input Below Features.
  • NONESpecifies that no wing ticks will be created on the parapets.

Sets the length of the parapet wings in page units. The length must be greater than or equal to zero; the default length is 1. Choose a page unit (Points, Millimeters, and so on) for the length; the default is Points. This parameter does not apply to the Wing Type - NONE.

Linear unit

Code Sample

CreateOverpass tool example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CreateOverpass tool in immediate mode.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:\data"
env.referenceScale = "50000"
arcpy.CreateOverpass_cartography("roads.lyr", "railroads.lyr", "2 Points", "1 Points",
                                 "cartography.gdb/transportation/over_mask_rc", "'Bridge_Category' = 3",
                                 "cartography.gdb/transportation/bridge", "ANGLED", "1 Points")
CreateOverpass tool example 2 (stand-alone Python script)

This stand-alone script shows an example of using the CreateOverpass tool.

# Name:
# Description: Creates a mask where one feature is visually
#              on top of another feature

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
env.referenceScale = "50000"

# Set local variables
in_above_features = "roads.lyr"
in_below_features = "railroads.lyr"
margin_along = "2 Points"
margin_across = "1 Points"
out_overpass_feature_class = "cartography.gdb/trans/over_mask_fc"
out_mask_relationship_class = "cartography.gdb/trans/over_mask_rc"
where_clause = "'Bridge_Category' = 3"
out_decoration_feature_class = "cartography.gdb/trans/bridge"
wing_type = "ANGLED"
wing_tick_length = "1 Points"

# Execute Create Overpass


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes