Linear Directional Mean (Spatial Statistics)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Identifies the mean direction, length, and geographic center for a set of lines.

Learn more about how Linear Directional Mean works


Linear Directional Mean illustration



DirectionalMean_stats (Input_Feature_Class, Output_Feature_Class, Orientation_Only, {Case_Field})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The feature class containing vectors for which the mean direction will be calculated.

Feature Layer

A line feature class that will contain the features representing the mean directions of the input feature class.

Feature Class
  • DIRECTIONThe From and To nodes are utilized in calculating the mean (default).
  • ORIENTATION_ONLYThe From and To node information is ignored.

Field used to group features for separate directional mean calculations. The case field can be of integer, date, or string type.


Code Sample

LinearDirectionalMean Example (Python Window)

The following Python Window script demonstrates how to use the LinearDirectionalMean tool.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\data"
arcpy.DirectionalMean_stats("AutoTheft_links.shp", "auto_theft_LDM.shp", "DIRECTION", "#")
LinearDirectionalMean Example (stand-alone Python script)

The following stand-alone python script demonstrates how to use the LinearDirectionalMean tool.

# Measure the geographic distribution of auto thefts
# Import system modules
import arcpy
# Local variables...
workspace = "C:/data"
locations = "AutoTheft.shp"
links = "AutoTheft_links.shp"
standardDistance = "auto_theft_SD.shp"
stardardEllipse = "auto_theft_SE.shp"
linearDirectMean = "auto_theft_LDM.shp"
    # Set the workspace (to avoid having to type in the full path to the data every time)
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    # Process: Standard Distance of auto theft locations...
    arcpy.StandardDistance_stats(locations, standardDistance, "1_STANDARD_DEVIATION", "#", "#")
    # Process: Directional Distribution (Standard Deviational Ellipse) of auto theft locations...
    arcpy.DirectionalDistribution_stats(locations, standardEllipse, "1_STANDARD_DEVIATION", "#", "#")
    # Process: Linear Directional Mean of auto thefts...
    arcpy.DirectionalMean_stats(links, linearDirectMean, "DIRECTION", "#")
    # If an error occurred while running a tool, print the messages 
    print arcpy.GetMessages()


Output Coordinate System

Feature geometry is projected to the Output Coordinate System prior to analysis. All mathematical computations are based on the Output Coordinate System spatial reference.

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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes