An overview of the Server toolbox

The Server toolbox contains tools to manage ArcGIS Server map and globe caches. It also contains tools that simplify data extraction through the server and facilitate printing from a web application.




The Caching toolset creates and manages caches for faster display of map, image, and globe services. The caches consist of pregenerated images that the server can distribute to clients. Tools with Map Server in the name work with map and image services; tools with Globe Server in the name work with globe services.

Data Extraction

The Data Extraction toolset provides four tools to implement advanced clip, zip, and ship tasks as an ArcGIS Server geoprocessing service. General extracting tools, such as those in the Extract toolset and the feature analysis tool Clip, only allow you to extract the subset of a single layer data with the output showing the same data format and spatial reference as the input. These tools are somewhat limited for those who would like to extract data with the flexibility to select multiple layers, output format, and spatial reference—especially over the Internet. The Data Extraction toolset is designed to facilitate such functionality so you can efficiently extract the multiple-layered data with the specified format and spatial reference through the geoprocessing service. Moreover, you can zip the output file and send it through e-mail, thus making the whole extraction and delivery process more effective.


The Printing toolset provides one tool, Export Web Map, that can be embedded in a geoprocessing service to generate a printable map. Printing from web applications presents various challenges such as the inability to print high-quality images, limited support for multiple column legends, different types of scale bars, the inability to take advantage of templates predefined in the desktop, and so forth. The Printing toolset allows you to submit a job to the server, which puts blended images on a chosen layout template and returns a cartographic quality page that can be printed by the client.


The Publishing toolset provides tools to stage and publish GIS resources. Publishing GIS resources can be accomplished using ArcGIS Desktop.

Toolsets in the Server toolbox