Using If-Then-Else logic for branching

If-then-else logic is a simple yet powerful concept for performing different actions based on different conditions. If-then-else logic can be explained as such: IF some condition is true, perform an action; ELSE the condition is false, perform a different action.

Using if-then-else logic in ModelBuilder

In ModelBuilder, if-then-else logic can be implemented by writing a script tool that tests some condition, then outputs two Boolean variables that describe the true and false condition and incorporating this script tool in a model. As an alternative to writing a script tool, you can also use the Calculate Value tool to test the condition and output a Boolean.

The model below incorporates a script tool called Check Coordinate System to use branching logic. This script tool evaluates an input dataset and tells you if that dataset has a projected State Plane coordinate system or an unknown coordinate system. In the model, if the input dataset is found to have a projected State Plane coordinate system, nothing happens. However, if the input dataset is found to have an unknown coordinate system, the model defines a projection system and projects the input data. One of the key steps in using branching logic in ModelBuilder is setting one of the conditional outputs as a precondition to further processing.

Example of If-Then-Else

Examples of if-then-else logic

The following code sample shows how if-then-else branching is implemented in the Check Coordinate System script tool referenced above. The script outputs two variables, one representing the if (true) condition and the other representing the else (false) condition.

Check coordinate system example

The example checks if input data is in StatePlane, has no PRJ, or one other than StatePlane.

# Import modules
import arcpy
import sys
import traceback

# Set local variables
prj = "" 
indata = "C:/ToolData/well.shp" 
dsc = arcpy.Describe(indata) 
sr = dsc.spatialReference 
prj =

   # check if indata is in StatePlane, has no PRJ, or one other than StatePlane
   if prj.find("_stateplane_") > -1:
       # Set the Is Unknown parameter to FALSE, and the Is StatePlane parameter to TRUE
       arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1,"false") #The first parameter refers to the "Is Unknown" variable
       arcpy.SetParameterAsText(2,"true") #The second parameter refers to the "Is StatePlane" variable
       arcpy.AddMessage("Coordinate system is StatePlane") 

   elif prj == "unknown": 
       # Set the Is Unknown parameter to TRUE, and the Is StatePlane parameter to FALSE
       arcpy.AddMessage("To continue, first define a coordinate system!") 

       # Set the Is Unknown parameter to FALSE, and the Is StatePlane parameter to FALSE
       arcpy.AddMessage("Coordinate system is not StatePlane or Unknown") 

except Exception as e:
    AddPrintMessage(e[0], 2)

See the following blog examples of using if-then-else logic in a model:
