Starting a local ArcSDE service on UNIX or Linux

The sdemon command is used to manage ArcSDE services. When starting a service on the local machine, there is no need to specify the server name; the local host is assumed.

You must be logged in as either the owner of the ArcSDE service's home directory, $SDEHOME, or as the root user to start an ArcSDE service.

  1. Type the sdemon command with the start operation to start the ArcSDE service.
  2. sdemon –o start –i 4000

    If using the default service port number, 5151, you do not need to specify the –i option.

  3. You will be prompted to type a password. Type the password of the ArcSDE administrator user. The password is not displayed on the screen for system security.
    For more information on using the sdemon command, see the ArcSDE application server installation guide provided with your download or installation media.

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