Cartographic Partitions (environment setting)

Tools that honor the Cartographic Partitions environment will subdivide input features by the specified partition polygon features for sequential processing to avoid memory limitations that may otherwise be encountered with large datasets.

The following tools honor the Cartographic Partitions environment setting:

Usage notes

Dialog syntax

Partition Features—The polygon feature class that will be used to subdivide large datasets for generalization or conflict resolution processing

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.cartographicPartitions = FeatureClass



Feature Class

The polygon feature class that will be used to subdivide large datasets for generalization or conflict resolution processing

CartographicPartitions syntax

Script example

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set the cartographic partitions to C:\data\world.gdb\world_partitions
arcpy.env.CartographicPartitions = "C:\data\world.gdb\world_partitions"

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