Starting ArcReader with a specific template

Complexity: Beginner Data Requirement: ArcGIS Tutorial Data for Desktop Data Path: Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\ArcReader.exe /Loadsettings <template> Goal: Starting ArcReader using a specific template.

By default, ArcReader starts using the file, but it is possible to specify a template file using the Loadsettings command line switch.

Change a Windows shortcut to start ArcReader with a specific template

  1. Right-click the ArcReader shortcut icon and click Properties.
  2. Edit the target on the Shortcut tab to include the Loadsettings switch as follows:
  3. Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\ArcReader.exe /Loadsettings <template>

Start ArcReader from the command line

  1. Click the Windows Start button, click Run, type cmd in the Open text box, then click OK.
  2. Type the path to the ArcReader executable in the command window and include the Loadsettings switch as follows:
  3. Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\ArcReader.exe /Loadsettings <template>

ArcReader starts with the settings of the specified template.

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